Friday, March 30, 2012

Roxy clothing & accessories at Macy's...?

Do Macy%26#39;s sell ladies Roxy clothing and Accessories...?

I have looked on the Macy%26#39;s website, but can%26#39;t see ';Roxy'; as a stocked brand...

Any other Quicksilver / Roxy Stores in NYC other than the one on Times Square as due to its location this store is always mad busy so a quieter store would be great!

Thanks in advance :)

Roxy clothing %26amp; accessories at Macy's...?

There is another Quiksilver store on Broadway between Spring and Broome.

Is Lombardis the best pizza in NYC?

If I have to eat one pizza in NYC, should Lombardis be where I go?

Is Lombardis the best pizza in NYC?

I think so. But the debate between Lombardi%26#39;s, Grimaldi%26#39;s and John%26#39;s is basically a religious war; people will tell you that all three are the best, and it%26#39;s a matter of personal taste. I like more char on my crust, therefore Lombardi%26#39;s, and I%26#39;ve also always had hideous waits at Grimaldi%26#39;s. But watch, you%26#39;re going to get people who disagree.

Is Lombardis the best pizza in NYC?

The supposed triumvirate of pizza has been listed, but for a slice only, in your travels, try Joe%26#39;s Pizza on 6th Avenue near Bleecker STreet, or Bleecker Street pizza on 7th Avenue South %26amp; Bleecker.

I am certain you will be getting other suggestions.


I have eaten in al three and I think arturos is better than them all,

trust me I%26#39;m glasgwegian!!!

Lombardi%26#39;s pizza is baked in a coal-fired oven just like John%26#39;s on Bleecker Street and Grimaldi%26#39;s. There are others who bake theirs in a coal-fired oven but the three mentioned are the most popular, IMO. I think Lombardi%26#39;s has good crust and sauce. However, they really skimp on the cheese. If you decided to go and want a ';normal'; amount of cheese, order extra cheese. Me--John%26#39;s on Bleecker Street is my favorite of the three. Someday I%26#39;ll get to Patsy%26#39;s in East Harlem and Totonno%26#39;s :).

Again I will suggest Patsy%26#39;s in East Harlem for the best pizza in NYC. I%26#39;ve eaten at pretty much every single pizza place ever suggested as having the best pizza in the city (meaning all boroughs), and nothing even comes close.

We ate in Lombardi%26#39;s back in July and the pizza was excellent. I also enjoyed the atmosphere.

I%26#39;ve tried John%26#39;s, Grimaldi%26#39;s and Lombardi%26#39;s, and I think Lombardi%26#39;s is the best.

Lombardi%26#39;s was very good and so was Grimaldi%26#39;s but I am deferring my No. 1 choice until I also try John%26#39;s. There is good pizza at nearly every pizza place but, whether it%26#39;s The Best, is a matter of opinion.

Lombardi%26#39;s is great but I also love Joes Pizza off west 4th and Rays pizza on prince street, the original since 1958!

  • mineral makeup
  • Information about 24th and Park neighborhood

    What is this neighborhood like for a week at Christmas? We want to stay in a new neighborhood other than Fifth at 55th. Any feedback about the area around 24th or 25th and Park would be appreciated.

    Information about 24th and Park neighborhood

    That%26#39;s a good area - lots of restaurants, shops and Madison Square Park. There%26#39;s also a number of office buildings and City College in the area. It%26#39;s a good, vibrant area.

    Information about 24th and Park neighborhood

    The area is considered Gramercy/Flatiron. It should be a lot less crowded than Fifth ave. in midtown. What hotel is it? If you normally stay at the St. Regis or the Peninsula, those will be hard to beat.

    I work right there. It%26#39;s a great, safe neighborhood with many good restaraunts of all types (let me know if you need recommendations) and easy subway access via the Lexington Ave line. Very nice walking, too, both north (towards Times Sqare) and south (towards Union Square). Also good cross town bus service on 23rd. Madison Square Park is there and they will have sonme kind of holiday celebration -- keep checking as your trip approaches

  • horses
  • handcrafted items/imports...???

    Hello, does anyone know if and where you can find handcrafted items/textiles from countries like bolivia or Guatemala.

    handcrafted items/imports...???

    In the past, I have gotten hand crafted items from various countries at the UN gift store but haven%26#39;t checked there for several years.

    handcrafted items/imports...???

    There used to be a great place called Back from Guatemala on 6th street but its gone. There is a store on East 3rd that has mainly Mexican crafts but does have some of those woven zippered Guatemalan purses. And, there is a store called something Phoenix on 3rd or Lex uptown that has mainly stuff from Mexico, but she has some stuff from Guatemala and Central America - not sure about South America. Very pricey compared with the source, but they dont pay Manhattan rents in Oaxaca.

    and, may have a link to his Guatemalan store on ebay - he%26#39;s out there politically, but spends a lot of time in Guatemala and his prices are OK.

    There are usually one or 2 Peruvian vendors at the better street fairs. Not the ones with the finger puppets and embroidered shirts - this is more of that white/brownish-black smoke pottery and those Inca chess sets you see all over Peru.

    Parking near Lincoln Tunnel - help!

    Heading to NY tomorrow for the day. There will be 4 of us so we figured its easier/cheaper to drive (we%26#39;ve taken the train in the past from Hamilton, NJ and honestly its quicker to drive).

    So, I vaguely remember last time I went through the Lincoln Tunnel there was a large parking garage as you come out. Where%26#39;s the easiest place to park so we can get in %26amp; get out painlessly. OK, fairly painlessly.

    How much will it cost?


    Parking near Lincoln Tunnel - help!

    Being that you will be in NYC on Sunday, check the signs for on street parking, most areas are relaxed parking rules for Sunday %26amp; you may save a few bucks. Be sure to read the signs correctly, as you can be summonsed %26amp;/or towed.

    Parking near Lincoln Tunnel - help!

    Good to know, thanks. Any idea what a parking garage/lot will cost for the day?

    Go to

    You can enter the address and the time that you need a garage and it will give you locations for different garages in the area and rates.

    There is another website called that you can consult.

    Wow - that%26#39;s a great website! I%26#39;ve printed out rate guarantees for a couple of different garages. Now I just hope they honor them. Thanks!

    Great question mellaniefoo! I keep meaning to ask this and now you helped me out.....many thanks!

    %26lt;%26lt;vaguely remember last time I went through the Lincoln Tunnel there was a large parking garage as you come out%26gt;

    Yes, it%26#39;s a self-park, as you exit the tunnel and head north you basically run into it. I%26#39;ve parked there many times. I believe it%26#39;s going to cost about $18-20 for the day.

    You can also park inside the Port Authority Bus Terminal, which you%26#39;ll see signs for, and while I never have, my neighbor has used it.

    9 year old boy-- trip with mom to new york city

    Any one with special ideas of things to do, places to go, theater? We are going mid August 2008

    we were thinking coney island (staying with friend in brooklyn) and m of natural history ofcourse and central park. anything specific appreciated..

    Taking Bus in from boston (??)-- arriving Chinatown. Any ideas regarding that area?


    9 year old boy-- trip with mom to new york city

    Instead of the Chinatown bus, look at

    both of which are newer buses and I think safer.

    If you%26#39;re staying in Brooklyn, don%26#39;t forget the Brooklyn Museum and Prospect Park. Walk the Brooklyn Bridge to Manhattan for the skyline views.

    If he%26#39;s into sports, there%26#39;s free kayaking on the Hudson. The hop on/off ticket of the

    would be fun for a day. They have a stop at Fulton st. in Brooklyn.

    9 year old boy-- trip with mom to new york city

    The Central Park Zoo (and adjacent Children%26#39;s Zoo) is small but very nice. There is a playground with a fun slide just north of the zoo. There is also a small amusement park, Victorian Gardens in Wollman Park in Central Park.

    The Sony Wonder Lab is free although some floors may be closed for renovation(

    Theme restaurant, Mars 2112 ( fun.

    The Intrepid Sea-Air-Space Museum within a retired aircraft carrier is unfortunately under renovation.

    Another way for him to spend an hour or so (for free), is at Nintendo World in the Rockefeller Centre. Plenty of games to try out on the DS and Wii. You, however, might find it a bit boring unless you fancy a go on the WiiFit!

    Go anywhere else but don%26#39;t go to Mars 2112. It is a rip off. Food is not that good and it is overpriced. If you do a search you will find others that agree with me.


    See the family travel section鈥?/a> for tips -- note esp the Arms %26amp; Armour exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum, which may interest your son.

    This could be pretty fun to bring a 9 yr old to.

    Ripley鈥檚 Believe It or Not!庐 Times Square

    Best of luck on your trip!

    Yankee Stadium to La Guardia - best transportation?


    We%26#39;ll be at the game Friday night and afterward heading back to our hotel just outside La Guardia airport. I%26#39;m thinking that taking a subway part of the way (no stops near the hotel) and then catching a cab for the remainder of the trip. Is this the most efficient way to do it, and if so, where should I get off the subway to catch a cab? Trying to save a bit of money by not taking a cab the whole way, but let me know if that%26#39;s penny wise but pound foolish! (I can take it)

    Thanks for the responses, NY here I come!!

    Yankee Stadium to La Guardia - best transportation?

    You probably won%26#39;t be able to get a cab at the stadium, anyway.

    Take the 4 to 125th and then the M60 bus to LaGuardia. I assume your hotel has an airport shuttle? You can just grab the shuttle at the airport then. The M60 is a fast, limited stop bus.

    Yankee Stadium to La Guardia - best transportation?

    Perfect, I checked that out and that looks like a great plan. Thanks for the help!

    Although if you are staying for more than that one night, it is a very poor plan to stay at a hotel ';just outside LaGuardia';.

    Why is not a good idea to stay in a hotel near LAGuardia? I am going to a Yankee game with my father and son and we arrive on Saturday afternoon( After catching a Red Sox game at Fenway on Friday night.) We are going to Yankee Stadium on Sunday at 1pm and don%26#39;t leave for Miami(out of LaGuardia) until 8pm that night. What would be better, staying at a hotel near LaGuardia and catching a cab to and from the game or staying in the city and going back and forth?

    For your situation, staying at LGA is fine. What GWB is reacting to is the number of people who want to stay at the airport while visiting New York as a whole for days on end, which is a really bad idea. In your case, that%26#39;s probably where I%26#39;d stay. That said, how are you getting here from Boston--plane, train, or bus? If plane, you%26#39;re flying into LGA, right?

    We are flying into LaGuardia from Boston on Saturday at noon. We have all day and night in New York and don%26#39;t go to Yankee Staduim until 1pm on Sunday then have to catch an 8pm flight out of LaGuardia back home to Miami. I can%26#39;t decide whether to stay in the city and have some fun there and then cab it back and forth to the stadium(although what to do with our luggage while we are at the game is still a mystery to me.)Or to stay closer to LaGuardia and cab into the city on Saturday. Then cab to Yankee stadium and then back to the hotel(where we could keep our luggage until the game is over) then cab to LaGuardia...Not sure what to do...I have been told that the area around LaGuardia is not too desirable though...How long would it take to get to LaGuardia from Yankee stadium?

    Forget the idea of taking a taxi to or from the stadium: The best way to get to the stadium from Manhattan is by subway, and it%26#39;s pretty much impossible to find a taxi after the game, so you%26#39;ll be taking the subway back.

    If you stay in a hotel in Manhattan, you can leave your luggage there and come pick it up after the game.

    I assumed you already had a hotel near LGA booked and was trying to tell you that you didn%26#39;t need to cancel it; if you don%26#39;t have a hotel booked already, then why not stay in Manhattan?

    I%26#39;m just concerned about getting our luggage after the game and getting to LaGuardia on time for the fight home. How long would it take to get back to a hotel in the city from Yankee stadium to retrieve our luggage then get to LaGuardia?

    Is it worth doing one of the bus tours?

    Hi, any advice would be appreciated. I will be staying for 4 days. My friend who i%26#39;m going with is dead set on doing one of these tours. She is quite happy to turn up there and see what happens. I on the other hand want to plan my trip down to the last minute! Is a tour advisable, it does cover most of what we wanna see. I just imagine we won%26#39;t finish a whole tour as we%26#39;ll be getting on and off. so to me seems pointless spending 拢30 odd quid on a bus ticket when me may only go a couple of stops.

    Or should be get around by ourself and just see what we wanna see?

    txs in advance.

    Is it worth doing one of the bus tours?

    I would use the subway to get around and skip the tour bus (which will sit in traffic)

    Is it worth doing one of the bus tours?

    We did both the uptown loop and the downtown loop on our first trip and loved it. We also used the subway extensively, but for different reasons (like getting to shows). I really liked the bus tour because I feel like I saw all of Manhattan right at the beginning of the trip and then we went back to what we were really interested in via subway or bus.

    We took the uptown loop on the Citysights bus the last day of our trip, mainly to rest our feet. I enjoyed it alot more than what I thought I would.

    It is a good way to get familiar with the city when you first arrive. I did 2 loops and it was great. I hopped off the bus where I wanted. The ticket I bought was good for 48 hours, which was great. Once you find an area you really want to spend more time at - take the subway! The guides on board gave a good commentary along the way! Have fun!

    Thanks for the advice guys.

    we did the grayline tour in nov 06 which was very good but like bobbyc says you can get around vey quickly on the subway

    As a NYC native I would recommend a short double decker tour on a nice day only. You can see lots of great sites , sounds, and architecture. Send me a message if you have sight seeing particulars. I could guide you best if you give me a questions

    did it twice and it is great to get familiar with the city. Then you can walk or subway back to areas that interest you more.

    The night Brooklyn lights one is great though. You cant get off but lights great.

    We bought the Grayline tour 48 tour and they gave us a an exdra day for free. Ask for it, you will be surprised. We used it as a general guide and then used the subway to go back to specifce sites. If you take it during the middle of the day you will get stuck in traffic and it seems to take a long time. The night tour was great and relaxing. I would suggest taking the tours as early as possible to avoid the traffic.

  • mineral makeup
  • domain web hosting
  • Tax on wedding rings?

    What is the sales/state tax when buying wedding rings? We are from Norway and are going to NYC in late August (Labor Day weekend).

    Tax on wedding rings?

    The sales tax on jewelry is ~ 8.25%

    Tax on wedding rings?

    lifelong, much like a noose

    (just kidding honey)


    trains and neighborhoods....

    We%26#39;re going to be visiting from Niagara Falls to see Yankee game this week. We are meeting a friend for the ride home. We will be traveling by subway, trains, and buses. I am concerned about taking the subway and trains to meet our friends when we leave. We will have all of our bags with us. Obviously I have heard about certain neighborhoods being bad. I was wondering the best meeting place north of Yankee Stadium that we can get to by train that would not leave us ';sitting ducks'; so to speak. My friend asked that we meet near a restaurant and near a highway (preferably the 287). Just trying to be safe as I will have my 12 year old daughter with us. Any help will be great!! Thanks.

    trains and neighborhoods....

    Repost this question on the New York City forum, found here:…

    Recommendations for 3* or + hotels centrally located

    Going with my sister in law for 4 - 5 nights in late Nov / early Dec and would like a hotel of reasonable standard %26amp; price fairly central to main shopping / sights if possible, Any ideas??


    Recommendations for 3* or + hotels centrally located

    This is the forum for New York State. You will get more responses if you repost you question to the forum for New York City, found here:…

    When you do, be sure to indicate your nightly budget.

    What to do in a day?

    Doing a tour of New England end August/start September. Got friends in Stamford, Connecticut so squeezing in a visit to them and it would be a shame not to day trip to NYC whilst there (think it%26#39;s about an hour long train journey away from Stamford).

    Question for those of you who%26#39;ve been to NYC - what would you recommend we do in a day? What were the highlights of your trip/things you would avoid?

    Best wishes,


    What to do in a day?

    If I were to do one thing for a day trip to see as much of NYC as possible with little hassle I would suggest you look into the Circle Line.

    It is a boat ride around all of NYC with many sights and views you could not get anywhere else.

    Not expensive, peaceful, with a guide to point out all fo the sights while riding on the water.

    They have snacks and drinks on board so bring your camera sit back and enjoy.

    If the train takes you into Grand Central Station you could either jump in a cab or walk to the west side and then Board the boat.

    I would suggest you check times and schedule for departure to make sure this fits your schedule.

    You would be going through Times Square, and the theater district with the Broadway shows.

    Perhaps a trip down to the Empire State Building for a trip to the top and a view.

    Go luck be safe and have a great time.

    What to do in a day?

    This is the forum for New York State. You will get more responses if you repost you question to the forum for New York City, found here:…

    Yankee Stadium

    Hi there,

    Quick question, how far is yankee stadium from mid town. I%26#39;m just wondering how expensive it would be to take a taxi or is there another form of transportation to the stadium?

    Many thanks for any help!

    Yankee Stadium

    You can take the subway to Yankees stadium which would be much cheaper. One of the NYC posters will respond and let you know which ones to take!

    Yankee Stadium

    Take the 4 or D trains, 4 from the east side, D from the west side. Will take about 30 minutes. The idea of taking a taxi is just insane and foolish. Also, take the subway back.

    Absolutely. Subway is the way to go.

    The 4 train takes 25 - 30 minutes at most. Jump on the train at Grand Central, it%26#39;ll be five or six stops (at rush hour the trains skip 138th Street). The 4 train stops at Grand Central and at 59th Street / Lexington Avenue (among other stops).

    The D train stops at Macy%26#39;s (34th St. / 6th Avenue), Bryant Park (42nd Street / 6th Avenue), Rockefeller Center (50th / 6th), 53rd and 7th, and Columbus Circle (59th / 8th) and then express to 125th, then a couple more stops to Yankee Stadium (about 30 - 35 minutes from 34th Street).

    Swipe your MetroCard and you%26#39;re on your way. Clean, safe and efficient.

    Do they drop off at slightly different locations near the Stadium? When you exit the Stadium, are there signs ';to the D'; and ';to the 4';? I might be coming up one way and going back another and don%26#39;t want to follow the crowd to the wrong subway :)

    It%26#39;s hard to miss- the D is below-ground and the 4 is above-ground at 161st Street. The exits are about 25 feet away from each other. If you get ';lost,'; it%26#39;s no great tragedy.

    Same station; yes, there are signs.

    I didn%26#39;t realize the stations were so close together - thanks.

    Thank you all for your replies!

  • how to straighten hair with a flat iron
  • Summerstage Dance Performances

    We%26#39;ll be in NYC in a couple weeks and are planning to go to the Free Friday Night at MoMA, followed by seeing Jennifer Muller/The Works dance performance at Summerstage. We%26#39;d like to grab some food in between, %26amp; are trying to figure out how early we need to get to Rumsey Playfield.

    I found a TA forum thread from Aug. 2007 asking about Summerstages where folks said bleacher seating fills up very quickly. However, most of the posters on that thread seemed to be more familiar with the scene at music performances. Has anyone been to a recent Summerstage *dance* performance? How quickly does the bleacher seating fill up? Is the view of the stage any good from the lawn seats? Thanks!

    Summerstage Dance Performances

    Just wanted to follow up on this post in case anyone in the future is looking for this same info.

    We arrived at Rumsey Playfield for the Summerstage dance performance at around 7:30pm. The chairs on the lawn were already filled up, but we had no trouble finding seating in the bleachers. The performance started at 8pm, and bleacher seating didn%26#39;t fill up completely until about 8:30-8:45. There%26#39;s not much of a view from the lawn unless you get one of the chairs that%26#39;s already set up or bring your own.

    On a side note, I also wanted to say how impressed I was with Central Park. What a wonderful place!

  • mineral makeup
  • How long will downtown take?

    Im planning to visit Ground Zero/Wall Street/Battery Park/Statue of Liberty on one morning. Probably Friday. How long can I expect this to take?

    Also, what is there to see on Ellis Island? Im trying to think whether its worthwhile going there?

    How long will downtown take?

    Actually, I imagine most people find Ellis Island much more interesting than Liberty Island. Ellis Island is home to the Ellis Island Immigration Museum, which is very interesting:

    Going to the SOL and Ellis Island is pretty much the most time-consuming thing you can do in New York, due to the long lines and extensive security precautions. Doing all of what you propose will easily take you into lunchtime.

    How long will downtown take?

    It depends on what type of tourist you are. I mean my Aunt Shirley saw the entire Louve in 15 minutes. Seriously, there is a lot to see downtown, even though the area is fairly compact.

    Start at City Hall and walk down Broadway. The Trade Center site is located on the rear side of St. Pauls Church. Wall St. starts several blocks further downtown at Trinity Church. A walk down Wall to the water is fun. You may want to stop and look inside Federal Hall on the way. South Street seaport is also nearby.

    On lower Broadway you see the famous bull sculpture, the Bowling Green and the Museum of the American Indian. You can see the trade center monument in Battery Park, along with other monuments.

    Ellis Island is most definately worth the trip. Allow for an hour transportation/screening etc. and several hours in Ellis Island. The building itself is great, and the exhibits are fascinating.

    By the way, you are also near Chinatown, a great place to stop for a bite to eat.

    I wont be going to Liberty Island, probably just get the ferry. Is Ellis Island worth it? Im probably one of them people who spend 15 mins in a museum.

    Im quite interested in Wall street etc as I work for a financial institution and would like to know how this area compares to the City in London.

    And Chinatown on the way back sounds like a plan.

    Im hoping to do this on Friday morning/early afternoon and be back by about 3-4pm latest on Friday.

    Then you might also be interested in touring the Federal Reserve:

    Or the Museum of American Finance:

    Not sure what ferry you are talking about - but Ellis Island will take up 4 hours minimum (IMO) with the waiting, security etc.

    It is a museum, so from what I gather from your posts, most likely not your cup of tea, as it were.

    It seems that you feel you are going to be rushed, in that case, I%26#39;d skip EI.

    OK, So my plan for Friday morning/early afternoon is:

    - Ground Zero/Wall Street/Trinity Church

    - Battery Park

    - Staten Island Ferry

    - Chinatown

    Anything else worth covering down this side?

    Is it worthwhile covering the Brooklyn Bridge at this time or come back on a different day?

    Id like to be back early afternoon to get freshened up before headin out for the nightlife.

    No, not really - looks like you%26#39;ve got it covered.

    BTW - how long does it take you to freshen up and what time do you plan to hit the nightlife?

    Here%26#39;s a walking tour I wrote of lower Manhattan, from Battery Park to Chambers Street (right below Chinatown). Hopefully, you%26#39;ll find some worthwhile things in it:鈥?/a> New-York-City:New-York:A.Walk.Through.Lower.Manhattan.html

    Im planning to be in early evening and head out to a restaurant before hitting some bars.

    That walking tour looks perfect and seems to cover everything Im looking for. Thats my Friday sorted. :) thanks for that.

    Apartment Rentals

    I have been reading on this forum recent posts about illegal short term holiday rentals. My husband and I will be in NYC for three weeks in December and are looking to book an apartment through NY Habitat. Is this likely to be a legitimate holiday rental?

    Apartment Rentals

    Ask them.

    Apartment Rentals

    Do you know the address?

    I%26#39;m no expert, but just based on what I%26#39;ve read here on TA and elsewhere, there are (at least) three questions I%26#39;d want answered before agreeing to a rental:

    1. Does the apartment actually exist?

    2. Is the person who is renting the apartment to you operating within the rules of his/her lease, homeowner%26#39;s association or co-op board?

    3. Are short-term rentals of this unit legal (in other words, is this a ';legal hotel';)?

    While you could have a perfectly good experience even if the apartment owner has not satisfied the 2nd %26amp; 3rd items (neither is a problem unless you get caught), you%26#39;ll be in a potentially vulnerable position that could spoil your vacation. Unfortunately, it is difficult to verify all of this information independently, but I would at least question the rental agency about these specifics.

    If you get an address, search for it here on TA. Sometimes people do post information about specific units that are known to be real or not.

    NY Habitat is not likely to rent an apt. that doesn%26#39;t exist, so the real issue is whether the person who owns the apt. is renting it legally according to the rules/laws of the building and the city. There are some condo buildings that do allow short term rentals (or don%26#39;t preclude them) although some would say the zoning laws of the city would still preclude short term rentals. Have you looked at b %26amp; b%26#39;s and suite hotels too? Agent fees for NY Habitat can start to get steep for a 3 week rental.

    greg-loretta - wow, 3 weeks in NY in December is going to cost a lot no matter how you slice it. That%26#39;s high season.

    I%26#39;m curious, how much is this NY Habitat rental you found? If it%26#39;s cheap (by which I mean, too good to be true), look elsewhere.

    What%26#39;s your budget? Have you looked at Queens or Brooklyn, or NJ? There are recent threads here stating that Furnished Quarters in NJ has legit, worry-free arrangements.

    Nothing personal, but it is pretty amusing reading this type of question. Reminds me of an old stand-up joke by Ellen DeGeneres:

    How come friends and relatives who allegedly love you say things like, ';Ugh, this milk smells rotten! Here, try it. You know, just in case it%26#39;s okay.';

    watches and phones

    I%26#39;m coming to New York in october as a big 40 birthday present of my husband ,all my family have kindly given me dollars and would like to buy a watch so i can remember the big 40 (why i dont know) any clues best place to go i heard woodbury common has a tag outlet but ideas would be great.

    Also i%26#39;m leaving behind 6 yr old twins and i%26#39;ve been told there%26#39;s no point in taking my phone with me - yes i know there%26#39;s phones everywhere but it was more for the texting i wanted it - is it right that my phone won%26#39;t work in usa.

    watches and phones

    There are plenty of shops in NYC that sell watches, at reasonable prices. Going to Woodbury Outlet is an expense in monetary terms as well as taking time from your visit to Manhattan to save maybe 30/40 dollars.

    You can do just as well shopping in Manhattan.

    As for your phone, to ask generally if it will not work in the US without giving any technical specifications, kind of an impossible question to answer.

    watches and phones

    For watches, try Tourneau on 57th Street:鈥?/a>

    sorry the phone is a sony ericsoon cybershot and my net work in the uk is vodafone - just looked at watch website and wow!!

    If the phone is tri or quad band (not dual band) it will work in the US.

    Vodafone will charge you 35p per text (sending only), 125p per minute to make a call and 99p per minute to receive a call while in the US.

    Your 6 yr olds can text??

    Call your cell phone provider and ask if the phone will work in the US and what the text charges are.

    There are loads of places for a watch depending on what you want to spend and what kind of watch you want. Tourneau has the largest selection of upscale watches, but there are plenty of other options for fashion watches or less expensive ones, some in discount stores and some not.鈥?/a>

    whiz- I bet the 6 year old could figure out how to text before my mother could figure out what to do when her cell phone rings!

    crossleys-call your cell phone provider - they can give you all the facts.

    Best time to visit Central Park

    Im putting together my plan for my 5 day trip and am wondering the best time to visit Central Park. Its best to note that I dont have massives amount of time. Im looking to have enough time to see what there is to see and take in the atmosphere.

    Im either thinking to visit on Saturday morning/afternoon or Monday morning/afternoon. Monday evening im also planning to head up towards Sylvias/Lenox Lounge in Harlem.

    Any suggestions on best day/time head into Central Park and if there are any specific walks/activities to do up that end?

    Best time to visit Central Park

    I apologize that this is so blazingly obvious: Go when the weather%26#39;s the best. Get a map and visit what interests you. You can spend as much or as little time as you want in Central Park. Don%26#39;t bother with the horse and buggy tours, you%26#39;ll cover more ground by walking.

    Best time to visit Central Park

    I thought there might be days/times when it is busier with more of a carnival atmosphere. Im more interested in experiencing this than touring the whole park.

    So, if it%26#39;s Tuesday it must be Belgium?

    You seem to be rushing your trip - why not mellow out, take your time and ENJOY what you are planning to see?

    Also, you could have asked all of your questions in one post and had your answers in one concise thread, just a thought.

    As for Central Park, do you know anything about the area?

    Have you gotten a guidebook pertaining to NYC to do research and find out what is what?

    I have visited the Park at all different hours of the day and depending what you are visiting for would determine when it would be best for you.

    You SHOULD do some research on the CITY then ask some specific questions, not are there any activities up %26#39;that end%26#39;.


    You might find the information you%26#39;re interested in on this site:

    %26gt;%26gt;I thought there might be days/times when it is busier %26gt;%26gt;

    Saturday afternoon will be much busier than Monday.

    ';Carnival Atmosphere - PLEASE, PLEASE get a guidebook or do some BASIC research on Central Park and find out it is not a circus or fair it is a PARK!

    %26lt;%26lt; and if there are any specific walks/activities to do up that end?%26gt;%26gt;

    Poppa%26#39;s advice to get a good guide book is good advice. Central Park is huge. You might consider visiting the Metropolitian Museum on the same day you visit that part of the Park.

    For a true carnival atmosphere, head to Times Square. (there isn%26#39;t a NYC version of Speaker%26#39;s Corner in Central Park).

    %26gt;%26gt;Saturday afternoon will be much busier than Monday.%26gt;%26gt;

    Crans, appreciated. This is the advice Im looking for.

    Poppa, Im using the forum to research my trip and this is the reason for asking these questions. Ive found most peoples answers very helpful in putting together my holiday plan, which is now almost complete.

    Although your help is appreciated, you do not have to answer my questions if you do not want to.


    I have a guide, however was looking for people with local/inside information.

    Lobo: Check out the link I suggested. It%26#39;s loaded with information. I love city parks; each one has its own attitude, atmosphere and appeal. Have a good time.

  • kind of bacteria
  • Cocktail Bars

    Hi Again

    Our hotel is Broadway 42nd street. Can anyone advise on the best cocktail bars within walking distance. Also what prices should we expect to pay. Back home in the Uk, pounds converted to dollars would amount to around 14 dollars per drink. Any tips would be appreciated


    Cocktail Bars

    Within a few blocks, the Campbell Apartment is very nice:

    But most of the best cocktail bars will be outside of Midtown. You might try:

    Pegu Club:

    Death and Company:

    Little Branch:

    Employees Only:

    Flatiron Lounge:

    Cocktail Bars

    Thanks Crans

    I%26#39;ll look them up. Whats your favourite ??

    42 st. %26amp; Broadway is the height of the tourist area so the nicer bars in the area will mostly be hotel bars. Price depends on the place. The bar in the View restaurant inside the Marriott Marquis (the only place that revolves) has a great view and drinks are something like $15-20. You%26#39;re paying for the view. They also have the Broadway Lounge on the 8th floor with views overlooking Times Square.

    My favorite bar/lounge in the area is in the Algonquin hotel-either the lobby lounge or the bar. It%26#39;s on 44th st. just off 6th ave. On the same block there are a number of other hotels. The bar in the Royalton is modern/trendy.

    Some bars in the Times Square area that are listed on hipguide are


    250 West 48th Street

    Inc Lounge

    224 West 49th Street, 2nd Floor (inside Time hotel)

    Ava Lounge and Roofdeck

    210 West 55th Street

    Dream Hotel


    204 West 55th Street

    I like the bars at Hudson Hotel. Especially the library bar and the outdoor garden bar.

    Thanks for the replys

    As time will pass us by so quickly on our visit, it is important to make the most of the advice given from this forum. Our plan was to visit as many as possible (in the evening only) and stop over for one drink then move on. No doubt we will get caught up in all the excitment and forget to vist the next bar on our list. I will look into all the replys on this topic and put together the most popular bars on a must visit and try list. Please keep your favourite bars coming and why you like them.

    Oh!! forgot to mention will will be celibrating a 40th birthday so we will be quick to notice when we are not in with the young crowd! lol and by the end of the night';who cares';

    Thanks !

    Hotel Problems - Please Help.

    Hi, I%26#39;m really in need of some good advice here. We will be spending one night (pre-cruise) in New York at the beginning of November and are booked into the Time Hotel. I%26#39;ve just read the most dreadful reviews from recent guests who say there are bed-bugs in this hotel. Obviously we no longer want to stay there and need some advice on where to stay. We want to attend mass at St Patrick%26#39;s cathedral (Sat night) and then go to the Rockerfeller Centre so need a hotel that%26#39;s convenient for those two places. I was looking at the Benjamin Hotel and the Lucerne but am open to any hints,tips and help. By the way our budget is only about $450 for a room for the two of us.

    Please help if you can - I%26#39;ve never been to New York before and can%26#39;t wait......but want to stay somewhere nice and clean.

    Many thanks.

    Hotel Problems - Please Help.

    I%26#39;m sorry to hear this about The Time Hotel. We stayed there for 7 nights last August and loved it!!! That%26#39;s very unfortunate. :O(

    Hotel Problems - Please Help.

    The beginning of Nov. can be a tough time to find a room b/c of the NYC Marathon on Nov 2. The Benjamin would be a good option. The Lucerne is nice but on the upper west side, not near either of the venues you mention. (doesn%26#39;t mean you can%26#39;t travel by taxi or subway though)

    The NY Palace is probably the closest to Rock Ctr./St. Pat%26#39;s, but will probably be too expensive. You can also have a look at

    Chambers Hotel

    the Elysee (might be a nice option for a smaller hotel)

    the Warwick

    Omni Berkshire Place

    Hilton NY


    Rockefeller Center hotel

  • mineral makeup
  • Tourists, what were your geographical surprises?

    Okay, I%26#39;m curious.

    What are the stickiest misconceptions you%26#39;ve had about NYC area geography? And more importantly, where did you get them? I was thinking of this question after recently seeing that post from the person who thought she could do Niagara Falls as a half-day trip by bus, and the several people who seem to think Brooklyn is a neighborhood.

    If you%26#39;ve been to the NYC area recently, what surprised you about the geography and placement of things? How did it change your perceptions of the area? Where did you get your misconceptions from?

    When I lived in London, I could not get my head around how close together things were in the UK. I thought that for London and Edinburgh to be four hours apart by train, it had to be some crazy super-high-speed ultra-TGV train. In my mind, Brighton HAD to be at least two hours south of London, and Oxford around three hours north - how could they possibly be that close? Wouldn%26#39;t they all be the same city then with no countryside in between? It took some exploring for me to realize how extremely different British geography is from American.

    Tourists, what were your geographical surprises?

    That Times Square was the centre of Manhattan and the best location. Gladly I was soon corrected after doing some research before planning my first trip! I think my misconception was and remains a popular one with tourists. For me it probably came from looking at travel agents brochures as the majority are all in and around TS.

    It took me 7hours to fly to NY from the UK but 6.5 from NY to SF, brought home just how big the US really is!

    Tourists, what were your geographical surprises?

    I was surprised that Manhattan was so easily walkable, I thought that it would be bigger in terms of distances. I really dont know why I thought that.

    Don%26#39;t know if it counts as a geographical one but I had expected Times Square to be a square in the way that Union Square is a square. Given that the UK is about the size of S.C. it is hardly surprising that you (and we) are often geographically surprised on visiting each other%26#39;s countries. OMG it takes 2 days to drive right across the USA. In that time you could just about do the UK end to end 4 times (traffic permitting)

    Great stuff.

    On another thread, another person describes Queens essentially as a suburban town 20 miles from Manhattan. That%26#39;s a really good one - wonder where that idea comes from!

    I don%26#39;t know what Queens is like but maybe they were referring to the character of it compared to NYC rather than the geographical location.

    Fundriver...and if you drove across the US in 2 days, you%26#39;d be breaking every sped limit in every state through which you passed!;s all in the name!!! Ok make it 3 days then and 6 times the length of the UK :-)

    A friend of mine recently visited for the first time from Washington State. I%26#39;m from Long Island, so we spent a day there showing her different areas. She was really shocked by how it looked. She told me she expected it to be like a mini Manhattan and a lot more crowded. She said it looks like your typical suburb, but at the same time, different from most suburbs. She said there are a lot more businesses and warehouses; a lot more than most suburbs she%26#39;s been to. Also was surprised at how large Long Island is.

    I overheard a family from Texas chatting with some locals on the subway last week. They said they were having a great time, but ';everything is just...different!';

    Kind of a Homer Simpson ';Doh'; moment that one!

    Sunday Gospel Celebration

    Hi, we want to assist to a Sunday Gospel celebration. Last time I was in NYC, I went to the Abyssinian Church.

    Is there any other good but less crowded church?

    Thanks in advance.



    Appreciation of the destination experts

    nyc10025, nywhiz, NYCgirl, and queensboulevard I just want to say how much I appreciate your help and your friendly manner. Although it must be tempting to say ';get a guide book';, you never do. You pleasantly answer the question asked without passing judgement and give opinions only when asked for. Thanks so much - it%26#39;s what keeps a lot of us coming back.

    Appreciation of the destination experts

    Thanks for the kind words BL.

    Appreciation of the destination experts

    They all do a great job!!! Kudos to each of them. I also think Crans should be made a destination expert!!! How do you get nominated anyways??? Is there an election in November? LOL

    Absolutely Crans as well - official or not - definately a destination expert!

    KLMurphy ...... nominating Crans ..... well it%26#39;s a nice thought but unfortunately after a wild Roman toga party last week ...... I think Crans is now on %26#39;double secret probation%26#39; for the rest of the semester. But here%26#39;s how you go about nominating someone for destination expert anyway.

    Toga ..... toga ..... toga !!!!!

    Totally agree on Crans%26#39; outstanding contribution. As Bettina has stopped posting, seems an obvious addition. Write to the TA editors. Go to the very bottom of the page and click ';feedback'; where you%26#39;ll get an email form. ;)

    LOL! Booklady may not want a guidebook but she certainly needs a dictionary!

    oh, and David, love your new avatar!

    Is Bettina OK?

    yes, she%26#39;s just sick of answering the same questions over and over again and was tempted to tell people to get a guidebook so is taking a break!

    Evening, I don%26#39;t really think it is that as much as the tone of this forum has changed due to certain individuals.

  • high school next year
  • The Animals of Summer

    The most important New York-related news roundup of the week:鈥?/a>

    The Animals of Summer

    Interesting--especially Monty the Monster of Montauk. Thanks for sharing, Crans.

    The Animals of Summer

    I saw a news broadcast that suggested that Monty the Monster is either a digitally enhanced computer image (this was a photo some kid claimed he took but the body washed away out to sea) or else it%26#39;s a sea turtle that came out of it%26#39;s shell. Otherwise it%26#39;s a jabbawocky from Alice%26#39;s adventures ';Through the Looking Glass%26#39;.

    it is scary looking!

    street fairs / jewellary

    arriving 2 weeks on friday (22nd august)....woohoo!

    are there any street fairs / markets going on then selling accessories / jewellary / crafts?

    street fairs / jewellary

    Evey weekend there are street fairs, sellilng jewelery etc. Here is a schedule for August; there%26#39;s also a link for September (since you%26#39;ll be here then as well):


    Here is a flea market in Hell%26#39;s Kitchen:鈥?/a>

    Here are some other flea markets:

    street fairs / jewellary

    There%26#39;s a woman that sells jewelry on Madison Ave. %26amp; 65-66 st. that usually has some nice things. I see her there during the week from around 11 am. For amazing fancy chocolate, Mariebelle is in the building 762 Madison Ave right near this jewelry table. They also serve tea.

    yes, that woman has great stuff Whiz!

    There is an Asian woman with similar stuff on Prince or Spring just off West Broadway - but more semi precious gems (but reasonably priced). Both of those streets and West Broadway in Soho are one table after another of high quality, unique costume jewelry. There%26#39;s also a stretch further east where there are a lot of jewelry vendors.

    brilliant suggestions, thanks guys!

    on a previous post someone mentioned a lady who sells handmade glass jewellary ? at a tiny market on left hand side of broadway (heading south) opposite 3rd street - any ideas?

    also is there a weekend market on when i%26#39;m coming south of union square?

    well, the weekend green (food) market is every Saturday and there are Tshirt/photo/art vendors there at the south end of the park if that%26#39;s what you mean. Mostly political tshirts however (';Obama is the New Black'; and the Homeland Security native American shirt).

    The tshirt/photography etc vendors there Sunday too.

    but there are more choices of what it sounds like you%26#39;re looking for elsewhere. There is a holiday craft market if that%26#39;s what you%26#39;re referring to, but it doesnt start until November.

    Oh, and the place on Broadway, just south of 4th Street (I%26#39;m 99% sure there is no 3rd street there) was closed and fenced up, but noticed last week someone took down the fence and set up a table. Worth checking out if you%26#39;re passing by, but I bet you%26#39;ll see similar stuff elsewhere. That murano glass jewelry that was everywhere when I was in Venice in 2001 is now here.

    thanks evening, sounds like the markets not really what we%26#39;re after, i read on a previous post that there is a weekly weekend market selling jewellary and crafts on the street ';around from the village south of union square';?

    well, taste is not common! There are visitors who think Canal Street is great shopping, so its all relative. There are tables on 14th, which is just south of Union Square where they sell crappy fake gold jewelry in boxes for $5 and some other stuff there that I probably just walk by, but as you walk down Broadway there are some street stands, but more when you get south of Astor/8th Street.

    The thing at the south end of Union Square is mainly tshirts, political buttons and NYC artwork/photos (the same ';art'; you can get near the Museum of Modern Art and various other places around the city) - except for the holiday market.

    it certainly isnt!!

    thanks for the advice, will keep a look out.

    Dont you worry! You will have no trouble finding shopping opportunities here even if you make no attempt!

    Storms causing problems at airports..

    A friend of mine was supposed to leave for NYC last night and is still here. All flights to NYC from Montreal have been cancelled. What the heck is going on down there???鈥?586736.story

    Storms causing problems at airports..

    a few hours ago it was pitch black here - as if it was midnight.... thought they were doing construction above, but it was thunder. But, its light out now. Maybe the planes are stuck wherever... That%26#39;s what kept me delayed in Toronto 2 weeks ago when it rained earlier in the day - we had to wait for a flight from Miami to come in.

    Was supposed to have a date with an air traffic controller a year ago, but despite great phone conversation, it never happened... I know they%26#39;re wacko - but it would have been great to have some direct info about these delays - especially when I%26#39;m the one stuck on the tarmac.

    Storms causing problems at airports..

    There was a bad thunderstorm around 10 - 11, but I saw planes in the sky. It didn%26#39;t last long and it%26#39;s partly sunny right now.

    %26gt;%26gt;Was supposed to have a date with an air traffic controller a year ago, but despite great phone conversation, it never happened%26gt;%26gt;

    Never took off, huh? That%26#39;s ok--probably a lot of baggage anyway.

    wow - you%26#39;re good! missed that completely!

    yes, children, ex wife - but I donk think he was wearing her blood around his neck in a vial. and probably no tattoos....

    We%26#39;ve had a lot of dramatic thunder storms on the east end of Long Island the last few days. Thurs. night amazing sheets of water along with hail. It seemed to last forever (maybe an hour). Last night heavy rain and thunder on and off. Not too bad today although it keeps getting very dark and then the sun comes out.

    Keep in mind that we have three airports within very close proximity of one another. All three airports are scheduled over their actual capacity.

    When there are thunderstorms in the vicinity, even when the weather is pleasant in Manahattan, there are huge disruptions to the flight schedule.

    Yesterday afternoon was fairly pleasant, we simply had a couple passing showers. LaGuardia and Kennedy saw a *huge* number of cancellations, some flights even diverted, others were six hours late.

    A couple weeks ago some colleagues were heading out on a business trip. I was not involved with the project so I was enjoying a peaceful evening, dining outside with friends. Note, dining outside. I learned the next day that they%26#39;d spent all evening at Newark Airport, there were intermittent thunderstorms, everything was cancelled, it was sheer chaos. I don%26#39;t think it rained in Manhattan until 11:00PM, it was a brief passing mild thunderstorm. I don%26#39;t know what to tell you. Good luck.

  • mineral makeup
  • Two weeks in NYC - What'll she do? All suggestions welcome

    Hi, this message is for a friend of mine. It%26#39;s her first visit to the US, she wants to experience as much culture and history as possible but also to have a fun time (!), she%26#39;s interested in having an active and fun visit and she%26#39;s travelling alone. She%26#39;s 32.

    She plans to visit in October, maybe the 22nd to November 2nd. What she wants from her trip is to experience the city and all it%26#39;s quirky coolness and also some of the countryside around NYC for natural beauty. She doesn%26#39;t want to travel more than 5 - 6 hours outside NYC. Here are some specific questions.

    - Does all accommodation need to be booked in advance or can she leave it open to see what happens when she gets there? (given the time of year, election etc)

    - Can anyone recommend any good tour operators for 3 or 4 day trips from NYC ?

    - Would it be better for her to hire her own transport to get out of the city or to use public transport, given that it%26#39;s her first time to the US?

    - She wants to eat cheaply, diners, delis etc, what amount of dollars should she bring as a daily allowance at a guess?

    THANK YOU SO MUCH for taking the time to reply, if you do!


    Two weeks in NYC - What'll she do? All suggestions welcome

    Do not leave it open for when she gets here, there is a good chance she will be homeless. This is the height of tourist season, pre book your reservations, sooner rather than later.

    Be forewarned, Apartment rental in NYC is illegal for many reasons, use the search feature to read other posts regarding it.

    Two weeks in NYC - What'll she do? All suggestions welcome

    New York has some great day trips and 3-4 day trips. Here are some that may be fun to do.

    Travel up the Hudson river to check out the mansions. See FDR%26#39;s home at Hyde Park, and see Eleanor%26#39;s at Valkill. If you want to get the same experience with a local flavor, visit Wave Hill in the Bronx. It%26#39;s a wow.

    Boston is only four and a half hours from NYC. It is a really great place to visit. Check out the commons and Beacon Hill. Wander around the great stores in Back Bay%26#39;s Newberry Street. Visit the USS Constitution in Charleston.

    Baltimore is in the other direction. You can see the Inner Harbor, visit the Museum of Outsider Art and go for some good crabs in Fell%26#39;s Point.

    As to eating, New York can be as expensive or as cheap as you want. New York has great ethnic foods. Get some Indian on 6th street, or do Chinese in any one of NYs Chinatowns. There is no problem finding great local restauants. Check out for restaurant information.

    Hope its a great trip.

    Thanks for that, really useful.

    HI Uisce! Just came back from NYC and did a 4-night/ 5 day escorted tour to Niagara Falls, Toronto, Washington DC and Philadelphia. We got to see a lot in such short amount of time! Our guide was very good, we always stayed in 4 star hotels and the coach they used was very comfortable.

    The tour company we used was Allied TPRO

    You can see a list of their itineraries here:鈥?/a>

    We did the ';Eastern Triangle';.

    If you have any questions just ask ;)

    ';Does all accommodation need to be booked in advance or can she leave it open to see what happens when she gets there? (given the time of year, election etc)';

    Absolutely she MUST book in advance. It%26#39;s already late if she%26#39;s on a tight budget!!!! There are women%26#39;s residences that are very cheap and include some food. The Brandon is one such place on the upper west side.

    Since she may have trouble getting 1 place for 2 weeks, she might consider splitting the trip in 2 places.

    Leo House is another inexpensive option owned and run by the Catholic church but clean and includes breakfast. You must phone or fax them. Do a text search for contact details.

    If you give us more info on her budget and style, we can make other recos. Renting an apt. privately is a definite NO NO. If she doesn%26#39;t want to commit to a place for the whole time, let her book something cancelable for the 2 nd week.

    ';Can anyone recommend any good tour operators for 3 or 4 day trips from NYC ?';

    She doesn%26#39;t need a tour operator for a day trip. There are dozens she can take on her own. Again do a text search here for daytrips but here are some ideas

    ';Would it be better for her to hire her own transport to get out of the city or to use public transport, given that it%26#39;s her first time to the US?';

    Not sure if you mean to/from the airport or for these day trips, but many daytrips can be done on public transport. If there%26#39;s some place specific she wants to go, we can advise best way to get there if you tell us.

    I can%26#39;t begin to estimate a dining allowance, but she can eat as cheaply as she choses if she%26#39;s not a fussy eater. Pizza is probably the cheapest (and I think most filling and tastiest) of the options.

    will show delis, diners and coffee shops all over the city and give an idea of prices.

    NYwhiz, what a fabulous response, I really appreciate it, thank you. I%26#39;ve set up a TA screenname for her and passed all the info on hoping she%26#39;ll get in touch herself. Thanks again!

    I will add, things like walking tours ( is very popular) and

    are good for solo travelers as a way to meet other people. There are trip reports from solo travelers in the bottom of the FAQ here鈥?/a>

    Help with NY Metz Game on Sunday 21 August.

    Im planning to go to a NY Metz game on Sunday 21st August. Its scheduled to start at 1.30pm. Ill be staying at the Bryant Park. My questions are:

    1. How do I get from Bryant Park to Shea Stadium?

    2. How long is the travelling time and when would I have to leave the hotel?

    3. What time would you expect the game to finish and what time would you expect I get back?

    4. Is there anything to do in and about the stadium or am I better just coming back straight after the game?


    Help with NY Metz Game on Sunday 21 August.

    1. Take the #7 train from Times Square/42nd Street.

    2. Leave by 12:15 so that you can get there early and enjoy the pre-game atmosphere.

    3. Do not plan anything before 5:30pm.

    4. Shea Stadium is part of Flushing Meadows Corona Park, so the Queens Museum of Art and the New York Hall of Science are both nearby:鈥?/a>

    But there isn%26#39;t much in the way of restaurants within easy walking distance.

    Help with NY Metz Game on Sunday 21 August.

    When the games end, the trains are absolutely packed. Something to consider is that one of the most diverse and most vibrant neighborhoods in the city is immediately east of the stadium, Flushing.

    You will not find a larger concentration of Korean restaurants in Seoul.

    Flushing is an absolutely fascinating neighborhood, it is like a city unto itself.

    The 7 train is known for its diversity. There are few cultures from around the world that you can not find along the 7 line.

    From Flushing to Corona and on to Jackson Heights, then Woodside and Sunnyside, the world is well-represented along the 7 line.

    The 7 train runs above Roosevelt Avenue. Consider having a bite to eat in Flushing or Jackson Heights. There is so much more to the real New York City than Midtown Manhattan. You can experience tall buildings in lots of major cities but you can%26#39;t experience the multicultural flavor of Queens anywhere else in the world that I know of.

    Excellent, thanks. Any advice on where to sit? Still to buy tickets.

    Main Street, Flushing is only one stop away from Shea on the 7 train. It%26#39;s in the opposite direction from the way most people will be going, too, so the train won%26#39;t be so crowded.

    My favorite Chinese place in Flushing - which is like saying my favorite coal in Newcastle :) - is Spicy and Tasty, on Prince Street at 39th Avenue, two blocks from the subway.

    Your other best food option is in Jackson Heights, at the 74th Street stop on the 7 train. There you can find Mexican food carts and authentic Mexican places (under the train tracks), a whole lot of Indian joints up along 74th Street in Little India, as well as Thai, Burmese, Tibetan, 24-hour Korean barbecue, Afghan, Colombian and Argentinian restaurants within a few blocks! I%26#39;ll be glad to give you some suggestions.

    BTW - it%26#39;s Mets - short for Metropolitans - go to and click on Mets tickets - make sure you choose Mets Ticket Information - prices range from $97.00 down to $25.00 depending on seats. There is also a seating chart.

    Where to sit - depends on your budget, your knowledge of the game and what tickets are still available at this late date.

    Hope this helps.


    ';';Im planning to go to a NY Metz game on Sunday 21st August';';

    Lobo - FYI - August 21, 2008 is a THURSDAY.

    Apologies - 21st is the day I arrive. I meant the 24th. Dont think Ill stick around this area, probably head back to the hotel right after the game.

    Thanks for this, thats my Sunday morning/afternoon organised. :)

    On the 24th of August, right next door at the National Tennis Center is the US Open practice session. It is free for that day. Not sure what time the sessions start and end, but you could head out early and watch some tennis practice before the game or after.

    The US open site is a bit vague

    However, you could call the Billie Jean King National Tennis Center at

    (718) 760-6200 for more info.

  • white hair
  • Best way to see the Lady??

    We (2 + 2 teenage boys) are visiting NY for 4 days in late August. One of our must do things is SOL.

    I have seen many of the comments on TA, and am not clear the best way to see the Lady.

    We do not necessarily want to get to land but which ferry is bestadvised ........... Staten Island or the SOL / Ellis cruise. Also is there any times (Thursday or Friday) that are best avoided?

    Best way to see the Lady??

    Who is ';the lady';?

    Best way to see the Lady??

    Sorry its my ignorance ............. meant SOL!!!

    I think they mean The Statue of Liberty and if I am right you can see it just fine on the ferry (any ferry) plus you can get great pictures.

    Please read this thread in its entirety before you do anything else:鈥?/a>

    NY Times on ';Turf War'; between locals and foreign tourists

    Today%26#39;s Times has an interesting article about the huge influx of foreign tourists in New York and the attendant pluses and minuses:…

    NY Times on ';Turf War'; between locals and foreign tourists

    interesting article, I have been when it has been $2 to the £ and $1.28 dollars to the £.

    I know which one I prefer!!!!

    In saying that, what makes New York is the New Yorkers, not tourists with big wallets.

    NY Times on ';Turf War'; between locals and foreign tourists

    That article made me feel a bit ill. Why, exactly, are people who don%26#39;t work in the service industry supposed to be so thankful for people making a tacky show of themselves?

    ';Why, exactly, are people who don%26#39;t work in the service industry supposed to be so thankful for people making a tacky show of themselves?';

    I didn%26#39;t see that being espoused in the article at all. The tone of the piece was quite the contrary. In fact, I thought it would please, or at least validate, what some locals experience, because the article highlighted the frustration, jealousy and aggravation of locals.

    Most of the quotes were like this:

    ';These friends from Europe and Asia “come over and play in New York like it’s Candyland,” she said in an e-mail message.';

    ';Steven Schoenfeld, a 45-year-old investment manager who lives near Lincoln Center, said that he welcomes the influx of visitors, in theory, as a boost to the local economy, but “sometimes you feel like it’s going to become a situation where they stop and take picture: ‘Look at that endangered species — a native New Yorker, with a briefcase, going to work.’ ” ';

    The only local quoted who was happy to have the foreign tourists was a British ex-pat who knew that if she gave her friends ';inside info'; on shopping or dining, they would treat her to dinner.

    It goes both ways. I remember when a friend visited here in the 90%26#39;s and couldn%26#39;t believe that she was getting two Australian dollars for every one of her US dollars. She thought everything was so cheap here and went wild with shopping.

    Don%26#39;t get me started on someone wearing Vera Wang complaining because she wasn%26#39;t shown priority service over someone wearing sneakers!

    Well I started comimg to NYC I had to pay $A2.05 for every US dollar.My last lot cost me$A1.03.All I can say is


    The minute you walked in the joint,

    I could see you were a man of distinction,

    A real big spender,

    Good looking, so refined.

    Say, wouldn%26#39;t you like to know

    What%26#39;s going on in my mind?

    So, let me get right to the point,

    I don%26#39;t pop my cork for ev%26#39;ry guy I see.

    Hey, big spender, spend...

    A little time

    Whilst the exchange rate is good, I still wouldn%26#39;t say New york was %26#39;cheap%26#39;. A four night trip for two has probably cost me nearly $4000/£2000. I could have spent 4 nights in Barcelona ( one of my other favourite cities), even with a crappy exchange rate against the euro for half that amount easy.

    fact is I love New York and am able to afford it at present. If the dollar strengthens up, coupled with the ever increasing airfares, I will not be able to justify spending such a large chunk of my vacation budget no matter how much I wan%26#39;t to return. I think it could be end of the european boom in New York soon.

    I remember when Europe was cheap, when you could buy a beer in Prague for $.25, so I guess we (Us citizens with dollars in our pockets) were spoiled at one time. Currency valuation does move in cycles and, not to make this a political board, I can see the US dollar gaining some of its value if Obama wins as the dollar%26#39;s decline has been both economic and political.

    And maybe I will go back to Europe, but right now it%26#39;s Latin America, Asia, maybe Africa, or staying in the good old USA for my vacation money.

    Thats alot for 4 nights for 2? You could have got that alot cheaper imho. We%26#39;re going thanksgiving for 1 week,myself,hubby and 14 year old and it has cost us 1 thousand 350 pounds. Saved ourself alot by staying in Queens and not Manhattan.

    No disrespect, but staying in Queens is like holidaying in London and staying in Slough.

    What I saw of Queens didn%26#39;t temp me to wan%26#39;t to stay there, Manhattan is the %26#39;New York Experience%26#39; I wan%26#39;t, and I would rather pay the premium that comes with or go elsewhere if I couldn%26#39;t afford it.

    A-ha. This is one of those interesting geographical misconceptions that I%26#39;m exploring in my other thread :)

    Staying in Queens is actually like staying in Hackney or Stratford.

    Hackney to St Paul%26#39;s = 2.8 miles

    Long Island City to St. Patrick%26#39;s = 2 miles

    Stratford to St. Paul%26#39;s = 4.6 miles

    Jackson Heights to St. Patrick%26#39;s = 4.7 miles

    Slough to St. Paul%26#39;s = 23 miles

    Place to sell Broadway tickets?

    Friends purchased tickets to ';Grease'; and have decided they no longer want to see it. Is there a place to sell unwanted tix (like StubHub for sporting events?) Any advice?

    Place to sell Broadway tickets?

    Stubhub is good for top dollar - Ebay if you want to get rid of tix for face value, more or less. You%26#39;re more likely to sell on Ebay, though you have to pay a fee. Stubhub lists for free, but charges commision on sales.

    Grease is a popular show - might get good results, depending on seat location. Look on listings on Ebay and Stubhub (Stubhub is owned by Ebay) - see what the going rate is for date of show and seat location. Play up Taylor Hicks, you might get lucky.

    Christmas lunch/dinner with children.


    Was hoping for some suggestions of what we could do for Chrismtas Day lunch or dinner with two children ages 11 and 4.

    Is there any type of child friendly restaurants open on Christmas day or should we plan to make something in our hotel room. The kids are pretty well behaved in restaurants but I would prefer not to go to something too fancy as other patrons may not want children there.

    Thanks in advance for any help,


    Christmas lunch/dinner with children.

    hopefully the locals will chime in

    in the mean time, check out

    Christmas lunch/dinner with children.

    Most restaurants will be child friendly on Christmas Day. It IS a family day. Where are you staying? Perhaps we can suggest some places near your hotel so you don%26#39;t have to worry about travelling.

    Ice skating in Central Park, walking down Fifth Ave. to see the store window displays, the Christmas Spectacular at Radio City, a few broadway shows will have performances and the movies are other popular activities on Xmas day.

    Here%26#39;s the holiday guide from last year%26#39;s NY Magazine. It doesn%26#39;t spec. mention places to eat on Xmas day, but lots of other info along with kid friendly activities.

    Oops. the link

    You could try Chinese food and a movie, a popular Xmas day in my family, which doesn%26#39;t celebrate Xmas.


    We are staying at The Salisbury.

    GREAT location. Here are some restauarants near there

    the Boat House in Central Park, Brasserie 8 1/2, Rue 57, Sarabeth%26#39;s on Central Park South. The Brooklyn Diner is very casual. Not sure it would be open on Xmas day.

    I still like the idea of the River Cafe (not related to the one in London as far as I know) but you%26#39;d have to travel by cab or subway. The Boat House would be lovely if they%26#39;re open. Tavern on the Green also in Central Park I know is open but it%26#39;s really a tourist trap and very expensive for what they serve. I don%26#39;t recommend it.

    Thanks so much for all your ideas.



    I would check out Bubby%26#39;s in Tribeca, Fresh delicious food but very kid friendly. I took my two girls 2yrs and the older one is 7yrs, they both loved it, I even enjoyed it so much we went back 4 times. I%26#39;m not sure if they are open for Christmas but it%26#39;s worth looking into!


  • mineral makeup
  • Taxi's in New York City for 5 people

    FYI, we just got back from our trip to New York. Had a great time, but just wanted other families traveling with 5 people, taxi drivers... even those driving vans, will not carry more than 4 passengers. We hired a SUV to pick us up at the airport, for the same price as the airport shuttles, and used the subway while we were there. It was really easy.

    Taxi's in New York City for 5 people

    The Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) strictly enforces this policy *for your safety!* No more than four passengers are permitted in a taxi. There must be a seat belt for each passenger and it is strongly advised that you wear your seat belt.

    What I find particularly interesting is that when people get into their own cars, everybody immediately puts their seat belt on. When people get into taxi%26#39;s, particularly visitors, very few people wear their seat belts.

    Taxi%26#39;s in NYC have alot of accidents. Mostly fender benders BUT passengers seated in the back can be thrown forward into the divider and can risk broken noses and assorted other injuries (even when the taxi is only going 15 mph)

    Wear your seat belt in the taxi.

    Taxi's in New York City for 5 people

    I was just surprised because it was a van that had 5 seatbelts.

    We have had 5 passengers in a ';van'; type taxi and according to the NYC taxi and Limousine Commission website:

    From Driver Rule 2-43a (in PDF):

    The maximum amount of passengers allowed in a yellow taxicab by law is four (4) in a four (4) passenger taxicab or five (5) passengers in a five (5) passenger taxicab, except that an additional passenger must be accepted if such passenger is under the age of seven (7) and is held on the lap of an adult passenger seated in the rear.

    From that I would have thought if 5 seatbelts were available it would be a 5 passenger cab.

    not every van carries 5. It must be the type that has a 3rd row of seats.

    You can get a 5 passenger van at the airports, just go to the taxi line (queue) and when you get to the dispatcher tell him you want to wait for a 5 passenger van, he will make you wait for the next one. Just realize that the people behind you will have to get past you until one arrives.

    But on the streets of manhattan you might have a problem getting one. Then I%26#39;d suggest the subway or 2 taxis. Some of the van type taxi cabs are limited to 4 people, and the new ';green'; cab vabs are mostly too small for 5 (or IMHO, even 1, there is no leg room).

    I posted a couple of weeks ago that NYC cabs are getting smaller and as new ';greener'; cabs come into operation (Toyota Camrys, Ford Escapes, etc) the days of the big Ford Crown Vics are almost gone. Makes you yearn for the old would you love to get into a Checker cab today!!!

    All I know is that it was a large, van with a bench seat in the back, two seats in the middle and two seats in the front, and the driver said that he was only allowed to take 4 passengers.

    Yeah, I%26#39;ve had that conversation too. Some of the 5-6 passenger vans have yellow stickers that claim only 4 passengers. I think they belong in smaller vehicles. I think the drivers just don%26#39;t want to bother.

  • AJAX in .net
  • NYC with teens

    Does anyone know of a similar sight like this for NYC ?

    My older teen sons have been to the city many times. As teens, their now interested in anime? any anime art stores, museums or other related ideas?

    we%26#39;ve done ellis island. Any other specific water cruises?

    they insist on doing a double decker tour? Any particular company or route any one recommend?



    NYC with teens

    Here%26#39;s the New York equivalent of that site:

    And here%26#39;s a recent article all about shopping for anime (and anime paraphernalia) in New York:鈥?/a>

    They might like the Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art:

    NYC with teens

    And be sure to check out TimeOut as well; it%26#39;s more comprehensive than the nyc-arts listing:


    Check out Accomplice New York it is so much fun.

    also check out this website

    ttp:// It has tickets to cultural events for $5.00, however you must present a high school ID. You can purchase 2 tickets per ID. We signed up for the newsletter and were able to get tickets to Damn Yankees for $5 each


    HAIR Extends Performances to Sept. 7th

    The Shakespeare in the Park free production of “Hair: The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical” will run for one extra week — through September 7.

    Hair is performed Tuesdays through Sundays at The Delacorte Theater in Central Park. You can get tickets for free by lining up the day of the show, or try for the daily online lottery.

    NYC restaurants with teenager

    My husband is traveling to NYC with our 14 year old son in late August, staying near Times Square. He is looking for suggestions for places to eat that are interesting, but not too exotic for our rather picky son. The choices in the city are limitless, obviously, but if anyone has any good advice about good local food in the midtown area that would be great. Places for breakfast? The best pizza? The best deli? that sort of thing. Also, he%26#39;d certainly like to have one great dinner someplace.


    NYC restaurants with teenager

    VYNL,on 9th Ave,I believe(there are 2 I think-we went to one near Times Sq.;the other is in the 70%26#39;s),was a favorite of my daughters%26#39;,also,Ellens Stardust Diner(singing waitstaff-not great food,but fun atmosphere)..use the ';search';:just type in Restaurants with teens-you%26#39;ll also see TA responses to places to go,places to stay. have a great trip!

    NYC restaurants with teenager

    go to it has all the info you need and it is easy to use.

    I usually suggest China Grill for families with teenagers because its midtown and family style so you can share food to cut down on cost/try things. Plus the setting would be cool for a teenager. It can get really loud though.

    You can really bring him anywhere. The places with the sophisticated menus/complex ingredients/dressy atmosphere are the types of places that have to be reserved well in advance. Any place you can walk in to will probably have something on the menu he%26#39;d be willing to eat - and most places post their menus outside. Unless he%26#39;s like the very loud teenager speaking French so loudly you could hear every word resounding above everyone else in the loudest restaurant in my neighborhood Thursday night - you really can bring him anywhere.

    Another great spot is Landmarc in the Time Warner Center. Steak but not as pricey as the expense account type steak restaurants.

    And for pizza, try John%26#39;s, Lombardi%26#39;s, or Grimaldi%26#39;s; for delis, try Katz%26#39;s, Carnegie Deli, or 2nd Avenue Deli.

    We just came back from our 1st visit to NYC. As of pizza, we visited to places: Jonh%26#39;s Pizzeria in Times Square and Grimaldi%26#39;s. I have to say I was very disappointed with Grimaldi%26#39;s, the pizza was burned and the ingredients (specially the olives) very salty. On the other side, I just loved Jonh%26#39;s Pizzeria! Just make sure you get there early or late for dinner because we want to make it a pre-theatre dinner but by the time we went (I think it was about 6.45pm) the place was packed. The following day we went after 8.00pm and got a table immediately.

    Go to Chinatown. It%26#39;s a great place to explore, and is a fun thing for a teenager to do [my 15 year old loves it]. There are any number of good restaurants there, we like Amazing 66 at 66 Mott Street, but there are many. After your meal, check out any number of Chinese bakeries for desert. Chinatown also provides a good start for touring downtown.

    If he likes barbeque, Virgils is in Times Square and is touristy, but locals like the grub too. A more fulfilling adventure is to go to Dinosaur BBQ in Harlem. It is safe, a fun excursion, and better BBQ.

    For other food choices check out the boards at

    Breakfast simple and cheap Stage Door Deli at 1600 Broadway across from Crowne Plaza Hotel. We have always enjoyed Bella Napoli at W 150 49th...I had a pre teen with me last time.

    I know there are mixed opinions about this restaurant, but I took a 10 year old, 13 year old, %26amp; 16 year old to Jekyl and Hyde in The Village and they all loved it! It was very entertaining, and imo, the food was good. Not anything amazing, but decent........American type food........... :o)

    They also liked Carmines %26amp; Virgil%26#39;s BBQ.


    I just got back from New York with my 16 year old daughter and she loved going to Ellen%26#39;s Stardust, so I hightly recommend it. Also, if they want something really fun look into It was fantastic and you walk around different parts of New York.

    And for dessert my 16 year old son loves Max Brenner%26#39;s at Union Square. If you go there, be sure to check out the Virgin Megastore across the street.

    cooperstown dreams park fundraising

    Looking for ideas to fundraise money to get a team to Dreams Park in summer 2009.. Any ideas that worked for you welcome! Thanks!!!!

    NYC restaurant

    I am looking for a romantic restaurant near the theatre district. Any suggestions are welcome.

    NYC restaurant

    Not many good ones in that area.

    Barbetta Italian in beautiful townhouse. Ambiance nicer than food, but food not bad

    Firebird directly next door, also in lovely townhouse. Russian food

    Chez Josephine French brasserie

    Piano Due very expensive Italian

    NYC restaurant

    Hello, I鈥檝e been to Piano Due and I love them. They are expensive but worth the money, I highly recommend.

    Not sure where you are staying, but I usually have dinner away from the district. Book reservations early and then walk to the show.

    Restaurants in the theater district are traditionally over priced and under qualitied. Try looking on the Chowhounds forums for readers suggestions.

    Better yet, eat outside the district and take a cab to the show.

  • mineral makeup
  • ittwit
  • East Coast USA

    Hi, I would like to take my family to the East Coast to visit places like the Tower of Liberty, Niagara Falls, Mt. Rushmore, Yellowstone Park, Florida disney etc. We plan to fly direct to New York and self-drive, have 3 weeks:

    1. Could you help to suggest driving routes and stopovers e.g. which is the next bst stopover after New that the route would finally leads us to the next state e.g. Toronto, where Singapore Airlines operates a return flight

    2. Is Dec or June a better period to go to see all these places?

    3. I heard maid-of-the-mist does not operate in Dec?

    4. Is there any other wonders/highlights of the world that we should not miss in the East Coast?

    Thank you in advance!

    East Coast USA

    There are so many options and that largely depends on what you are interested in. Also Mt. Rushmore and Yellowstone are out west so I%26#39;m not quite sure what you want. Here is a possible east coast itinerary and perhaps you can start in Florida.

    Florida - Disney World - 3 days

    Drive to Savannah, Georgia - 1 day

    Savannah, Ga - Historic District and other attractions - 1 day

    Stop at Hilton Head, SC on the way to

    Charleston, SC - 2 days

    DC - 2 days

    Gettysburg, Pa - 1 day

    Lancaster, Pa (Amish country) - 2 days

    NYC - 4 days - to many attractions to mention

    Ithaca, NY, Keuka Lake Wineries, Letchworth State Park - a few days

    Niagara Falls onto Toronto

    Let me know if you want more ideas. There are some things here you may want to skip or spend extra time than what I have listed.

    Have a nice trip. The south will be hot in June but I would not recommend New York in December.

    East Coast USA

    Hi Travelus, thank you for your comprehensive suggestions, i will study them in further detail to see what attractions there are in each of the stops and how long the drive from one to another...

    God bless!

    As Travelus said, Yellowstone and Mt. Rushmore are a LONG WAY from the east coast, much too far for you to include in the trip that you have outlined in three weeks. An itinerary similar to the one that Travelus gave you would offer the best opportunity for seeing the highlights on the east coast and ending up in Toronto.

    As for the better time of year for your visit, yes Florida will be hot in June, but as you travel north you will find much nicer weather than you would find in December. From around North Carolina north it can get pretty nasty in December, and a lot of things will be closed for the season. The Maid of the Mist at Niagra Falls only runs from April through the end of October.

    Hope this helps, and enjoy your trip!

    Hi Hawkeye,

    Thanks for your input. Our family did a 4 states (california, nevada, utah and arizona) in 4 weeks last Dec and covered lots of interesting places. We are hoping to do the same in the East. Our children are not into history and arts, hence museums and monuments will be a bore. But they love the Bryce, Grand Canyons, Lake Tahoe stuff besides theme parks and factory outlets.

    Hi TrueSingaporean (comrade),

    My family and I are travelling to East Coast USA end of this year and will also be spending 21 days in total.

    My itinerary covers

    3-day at NYC

    Drive to Niagara Falls and stay for 2 nights (plan to stay at Niagara Falls on Friday as they have fireworks display on Friday nights)

    Fly to Miami and drive down to Key West for 2 nights(if you are familiar with bridge featured on Arnold Schwarzenegger show True Lies, it should be a very nice drive)

    4-day cruise to Bahamas with day trip to Atlantis resort

    From Miami we are drive up to Orlando and stay 5 days at Orlando

    Last 2 days are shopping back in NYC.

    Originally my plan was to drive down to Florida then back to NYC and on the way to sightsee Carolina state but since my trip covers a 4-day cruise I%26#39;ve decided to save some time by flyng instead.

    As you notice from my itinerary above I didn%26#39;t have time to cover Washington DC! There are so many places to go in the East Coast I actually took 4 months (I started plannng since April) and after many many versions to finalise my itinerary. :)

    The above is just a guide and really depends on what other sights you want to cover. If you like to drive to Orlando from NYC do take note that each way each way will take 16-17 hours (2 days including stopover) to cover about 1000miles.

    I suggest you check out the various official websites of the different states you wish to go and they provide free travel brochures which they will send to you. That%26#39;s what I did to plan my trip.

    FYI - my family would love to see Mt Rushmore and Yellowstone too but we wlll make use of another trip to West Coast next time to cover it when we drive up from Las Vegas. It%26#39;s not impossible to drive from East Coast but you%26#39;ll need an extra (at least) 1-2 more weeks to have a relaxing tour.

    Hope that helps.

    Happy Holidays!

    Hi Halo2,

    Wow, you have a 3-in-1 fly-drive-cruise all in! I thought bahamas and orlando are more for beaches, casino and theme parks? wouldn%26#39;t dec be too cold to do these?

    Knowing Singaporeans, I believe you are well researched! For me, the problem is I do not know well enough where are all the excellent attractions except those featured prominently like the 7 wonders. I should have visitied Mt Rushmore and Yellowstone when we were at west coast....hmmm

    Can you highlight some great places of interests along west coast please? what%26#39;s there in key west for instance?

    Ahhh looks like your travel interests is very very similiar to mine (7 wonders and self-drive are must-haves) :)

    Key West is actually the southernmost point of USA and I was attracted by the beautiful sunset sceneries and the ocean. Personally I love to include diffences in my itinerary to keep it interesting so I have Niagara falls, theme parks, beautiful beaches and blue oceans, cities, shopping and also casinos. Hee...

    I believe Florida%26#39;s weather is very nice at the end of the year since it%26#39;s southern part of USA and will not as cold as the north. In fact I was just joking with my family members that we need to pack from our swimming gear to winter clothings for this trip! :P

    Also to add, if you really want to add Mt Rushmore and Yellowstone to your East Coast itineary, perhaps you can check out Northwest airlines to allow you to fly from Singapore into Florida, and fly back to Singapore from western part of USA.

    My colleague is also going to USA this year end and he%26#39;s covering Florida and San Francisco. He%26#39;ll be taking NWA to fly into Florida and stay for a few days, take a domestic flight from Orlando to San Francisco, and fly back from SF to SIN.

    There are really lots and lots of great places to visit on East Coast and I really wish I have more time! But then again, it%26#39;ll give me an excuse to be back for more next time.


    Halo2 and all,

    I checked the flights schedules of SQ and it seems tedious having to fly via Frankfurt (direct flight only has business class) to JFK and then back track from wherever we are.

    To get to Florida, SQ only goes as far as Houston, then we%26#39;d have to find our own domestic flight to Florida, JFK etc. etc.

    Are you or your friends using NWA all the way or SQ in between? We are trying to use our miles and it seems so messy with all these alliance airlines schemes....

    What is the best route if we were to cover NY, Florida, Niagara Falls in 3 weeks?