Friday, March 30, 2012

Best time to visit Central Park

Im putting together my plan for my 5 day trip and am wondering the best time to visit Central Park. Its best to note that I dont have massives amount of time. Im looking to have enough time to see what there is to see and take in the atmosphere.

Im either thinking to visit on Saturday morning/afternoon or Monday morning/afternoon. Monday evening im also planning to head up towards Sylvias/Lenox Lounge in Harlem.

Any suggestions on best day/time head into Central Park and if there are any specific walks/activities to do up that end?

Best time to visit Central Park

I apologize that this is so blazingly obvious: Go when the weather%26#39;s the best. Get a map and visit what interests you. You can spend as much or as little time as you want in Central Park. Don%26#39;t bother with the horse and buggy tours, you%26#39;ll cover more ground by walking.

Best time to visit Central Park

I thought there might be days/times when it is busier with more of a carnival atmosphere. Im more interested in experiencing this than touring the whole park.

So, if it%26#39;s Tuesday it must be Belgium?

You seem to be rushing your trip - why not mellow out, take your time and ENJOY what you are planning to see?

Also, you could have asked all of your questions in one post and had your answers in one concise thread, just a thought.

As for Central Park, do you know anything about the area?

Have you gotten a guidebook pertaining to NYC to do research and find out what is what?

I have visited the Park at all different hours of the day and depending what you are visiting for would determine when it would be best for you.

You SHOULD do some research on the CITY then ask some specific questions, not are there any activities up %26#39;that end%26#39;.


You might find the information you%26#39;re interested in on this site:

%26gt;%26gt;I thought there might be days/times when it is busier %26gt;%26gt;

Saturday afternoon will be much busier than Monday.

';Carnival Atmosphere - PLEASE, PLEASE get a guidebook or do some BASIC research on Central Park and find out it is not a circus or fair it is a PARK!

%26lt;%26lt; and if there are any specific walks/activities to do up that end?%26gt;%26gt;

Poppa%26#39;s advice to get a good guide book is good advice. Central Park is huge. You might consider visiting the Metropolitian Museum on the same day you visit that part of the Park.

For a true carnival atmosphere, head to Times Square. (there isn%26#39;t a NYC version of Speaker%26#39;s Corner in Central Park).

%26gt;%26gt;Saturday afternoon will be much busier than Monday.%26gt;%26gt;

Crans, appreciated. This is the advice Im looking for.

Poppa, Im using the forum to research my trip and this is the reason for asking these questions. Ive found most peoples answers very helpful in putting together my holiday plan, which is now almost complete.

Although your help is appreciated, you do not have to answer my questions if you do not want to.


I have a guide, however was looking for people with local/inside information.

Lobo: Check out the link I suggested. It%26#39;s loaded with information. I love city parks; each one has its own attitude, atmosphere and appeal. Have a good time.

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