Friday, March 30, 2012

One for the ladies! Perfumeries in NYC?


I am wondering whether anyone can let me in on any secret, or not so well known, %26#39;old-fashioned%26#39; style perfumeries in the city.

I am looking for somewhere that sells hard-to-find, limited editions, discontinued fragrances, coffrets, miniatures, ornate compacts etc etc. i.e. stuff you can%26#39;t readily get at places like Sephora/Bloomingdales/Bergdorf Goodman etc (believe me I have looked!).

Hope someone can help me out!


One for the ladies! Perfumeries in NYC?

Canal Street little perfume shops all over the place....

One for the ladies! Perfumeries in NYC?

If you%26#39;re looking for things that are collectible (vs. perfume to wear) you may find some at the weekend flea market in Chelsea or there%26#39;s been a flea market in Fort Greene Brooklyn on Sundays. Some vintage clothing stores sometimes have these items too, especially the compacts.

Thanks...looks like I%26#39;ll be checking out Canal!

Oy vey, no, NOT Canal Street!!! The advice was either very tongue in cheek, or else was ';assistance'; based on an eagerness to respond but nothing else (including knowledge, or an understanding of your question.)

You will find absolutely nothing of the sort you are seeking on Canal Street; instead, you will find the complete antithesis of what you want. The little hole-in-the-wall shops along Canal have what purport to be inexpensive bottles of all of the best-known and most-common commercial brands. However, it is highly likely that many of these are nothing more than cheap imitations and illegal knock-offs, made of inferior ingredients that produce a perfume that may or may not smell approximately like its namesake. You may think of them as the perfume equivalents of the ';Guci'; or ';Pradda'; or ';Louise Vuitton'; handbags that are also for sale...

Thanks for the heads up! Clearly Canal is not otherwise on my places to see list so I know nothing about the area and took that advice as genuine. I am after legit products only. I am not after shoddy rip offs that smell like pee and if I want a Gucci bag I%26#39;ll be heading in to Neiman Marcus and paying retail (unfortunately) :-)

So...sounds like there%26#39;s nothing for me then which is very disappointing I must say! Oh well....*sob*

Despair not, lachrymose lady.

Check this out:


Some of those listed have retail locations in New York.

You also have Christopher Brosius in Williamsburg:

and Le Labo on Elizabeth Street near Prince:

There%26#39;s a Lancome discount store at 575 Fifth Avenue (at 47th). The building%26#39;s covered in scaffolding, but go inside and up the escalators - it%26#39;s a couple of levels up. They have had discontinued fragrances in the past.

I would also ad for you Barney%26#39;s on Madison Avenue. The perfume dept. has a lot of different scents, some of their items are exclusive to their store. I was really amazed at the different names of perfumes they carried from all over the world. Definately worth a peek!!! Their address is 660 Madison Avenue. Happy Shopping!!!

What, canal street is fine for purchasing perfumes. Make sure the packaging is sealed, read the label, check the spelling. And do not buy perfume that says imitation of the brand you are seeking. Never had a problem when buying perfume that way. Make sure you negotiate and you should be fine. Yes there are fakes, but usually the vendors will tell you these are the copies if you are not willing to shell out for the name brands they are selling. So buyer be ware, and good luck. The purses and watches though, totally fake.

Treavelereviwer, did you read what the original poster said she was looking for?

Can you honestly say, even if the products are real (which is questionable),that the shops on Canal Street sell ';hard-to-find, limited editions'; of ';stuff you can%26#39;t readily get at ... Bloomingdales/Bergdorf Goodman, etc.';???????

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