nyc10025, nywhiz, NYCgirl, and queensboulevard I just want to say how much I appreciate your help and your friendly manner. Although it must be tempting to say ';get a guide book';, you never do. You pleasantly answer the question asked without passing judgement and give opinions only when asked for. Thanks so much - it%26#39;s what keeps a lot of us coming back.
Appreciation of the destination expertsThanks for the kind words BL.
Appreciation of the destination expertsThey all do a great job!!! Kudos to each of them. I also think Crans should be made a destination expert!!! How do you get nominated anyways??? Is there an election in November? LOL
Absolutely Crans as well - official or not - definately a destination expert!
KLMurphy ...... nominating Crans ..... well it%26#39;s a nice thought but unfortunately after a wild Roman toga party last week ...... I think Crans is now on %26#39;double secret probation%26#39; for the rest of the semester. But here%26#39;s how you go about nominating someone for destination expert anyway.
Toga ..... toga ..... toga !!!!!
Totally agree on Crans%26#39; outstanding contribution. As Bettina has stopped posting, seems an obvious addition. Write to the TA editors. Go to the very bottom of the page and click ';feedback'; where you%26#39;ll get an email form. ;)
LOL! Booklady may not want a guidebook but she certainly needs a dictionary!
oh, and David, love your new avatar!
Is Bettina OK?
yes, she%26#39;s just sick of answering the same questions over and over again and was tempted to tell people to get a guidebook so is taking a break!
Evening, I don%26#39;t really think it is that as much as the tone of this forum has changed due to certain individuals.
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