Friday, March 30, 2012

Yankee Stadium

Hi there,

Quick question, how far is yankee stadium from mid town. I%26#39;m just wondering how expensive it would be to take a taxi or is there another form of transportation to the stadium?

Many thanks for any help!

Yankee Stadium

You can take the subway to Yankees stadium which would be much cheaper. One of the NYC posters will respond and let you know which ones to take!

Yankee Stadium

Take the 4 or D trains, 4 from the east side, D from the west side. Will take about 30 minutes. The idea of taking a taxi is just insane and foolish. Also, take the subway back.

Absolutely. Subway is the way to go.

The 4 train takes 25 - 30 minutes at most. Jump on the train at Grand Central, it%26#39;ll be five or six stops (at rush hour the trains skip 138th Street). The 4 train stops at Grand Central and at 59th Street / Lexington Avenue (among other stops).

The D train stops at Macy%26#39;s (34th St. / 6th Avenue), Bryant Park (42nd Street / 6th Avenue), Rockefeller Center (50th / 6th), 53rd and 7th, and Columbus Circle (59th / 8th) and then express to 125th, then a couple more stops to Yankee Stadium (about 30 - 35 minutes from 34th Street).

Swipe your MetroCard and you%26#39;re on your way. Clean, safe and efficient.

Do they drop off at slightly different locations near the Stadium? When you exit the Stadium, are there signs ';to the D'; and ';to the 4';? I might be coming up one way and going back another and don%26#39;t want to follow the crowd to the wrong subway :)

It%26#39;s hard to miss- the D is below-ground and the 4 is above-ground at 161st Street. The exits are about 25 feet away from each other. If you get ';lost,'; it%26#39;s no great tragedy.

Same station; yes, there are signs.

I didn%26#39;t realize the stations were so close together - thanks.

Thank you all for your replies!

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