arriving 2 weeks on friday (22nd august)....woohoo!
are there any street fairs / markets going on then selling accessories / jewellary / crafts?
street fairs / jewellary
Evey weekend there are street fairs, sellilng jewelery etc. Here is a schedule for August; there%26#39;s also a link for September (since you%26#39;ll be here then as well):
Here is a flea market in Hell%26#39;s Kitchen:鈥?/a>
Here are some other flea markets:
street fairs / jewellary
There%26#39;s a woman that sells jewelry on Madison Ave. %26amp; 65-66 st. that usually has some nice things. I see her there during the week from around 11 am. For amazing fancy chocolate, Mariebelle is in the building 762 Madison Ave right near this jewelry table. They also serve tea.
yes, that woman has great stuff Whiz!
There is an Asian woman with similar stuff on Prince or Spring just off West Broadway - but more semi precious gems (but reasonably priced). Both of those streets and West Broadway in Soho are one table after another of high quality, unique costume jewelry. There%26#39;s also a stretch further east where there are a lot of jewelry vendors.
brilliant suggestions, thanks guys!
on a previous post someone mentioned a lady who sells handmade glass jewellary ? at a tiny market on left hand side of broadway (heading south) opposite 3rd street - any ideas?
also is there a weekend market on when i%26#39;m coming south of union square?
well, the weekend green (food) market is every Saturday and there are Tshirt/photo/art vendors there at the south end of the park if that%26#39;s what you mean. Mostly political tshirts however (';Obama is the New Black'; and the Homeland Security native American shirt).
The tshirt/photography etc vendors there Sunday too.
but there are more choices of what it sounds like you%26#39;re looking for elsewhere. There is a holiday craft market if that%26#39;s what you%26#39;re referring to, but it doesnt start until November.
Oh, and the place on Broadway, just south of 4th Street (I%26#39;m 99% sure there is no 3rd street there) was closed and fenced up, but noticed last week someone took down the fence and set up a table. Worth checking out if you%26#39;re passing by, but I bet you%26#39;ll see similar stuff elsewhere. That murano glass jewelry that was everywhere when I was in Venice in 2001 is now here.
thanks evening, sounds like the markets not really what we%26#39;re after, i read on a previous post that there is a weekly weekend market selling jewellary and crafts on the street ';around from the village south of union square';?
well, taste is not common! There are visitors who think Canal Street is great shopping, so its all relative. There are tables on 14th, which is just south of Union Square where they sell crappy fake gold jewelry in boxes for $5 and some other stuff there that I probably just walk by, but as you walk down Broadway there are some street stands, but more when you get south of Astor/8th Street.
The thing at the south end of Union Square is mainly tshirts, political buttons and NYC artwork/photos (the same ';art'; you can get near the Museum of Modern Art and various other places around the city) - except for the holiday market.
it certainly isnt!!
thanks for the advice, will keep a look out.
Dont you worry! You will have no trouble finding shopping opportunities here even if you make no attempt!
To the person who posted this comment: There is an Asian woman with similar stuff on Prince or Spring just off West Broadway - but more semi precious gems (but reasonably priced).
ReplyDeleteAny idea what her name is/if she has a website?! I bought my favorite pair of earrings (ever) from her and have since moved out of NYC. Would LOVE to get more of her stuff if she sells it anywhere online.