If you live in New York City, could you tell me how much you usually spend on food? What would you say as the minimum?
I%26#39;m there for 6 months and have a kitchen, so it%26#39;s not a restaurant and tourist-budget I%26#39;m planning.
I%26#39;m perfectly satisfied with generic brands, and I will probably do my shopping in Manhattan.
I%26#39;m putting together a budget, and I have no idea what the price range is. I know it%26#39;s cheaper than in my own country, but that is all.
Food budget?
Here is one of the larger grocery store chains in NYC, see what things cost. Impossible to answer not knowing what kind of foods you eat.
Food budget?
Thanks Bobby, but they have closed their webshop so there are no prices :(
I guess I eat like this:
Breakfast: bread/jam, cereal/soymilk
Lunch: Sandwich
Dinner: Vegetables and rice/potatoes/pasta with beans or meat.
Snacks: Fruit, nuts.
$15 a day eating in%26gt;
This shows some specials at Fairway (good place to show)
Here%26#39;s another supermarket in NYC which has an online circlular to give you an idea of the cost of food.
You may do your food shopping in Manhattan, but where you do it will have an enormous effect on the price.
A little corner gorcery in the Village? Zabar%26#39;s? The big Pathmark supermarket down on Pike and Cherry Streets?
And what are you buying? A ten pound sack of rice? 8 ounces of imported Stilton cheese? Chicken thighs, or filet mignon? Fresh sea bass, or a can of tuna?
Without a shopping list, no one could tell you...
Oh, and that%26#39;s something else: you really will need to learn the weights and measures; meat is never sold by the kilo, only the pound; milk is sold only by the quart or the gallon, never the liter, etc.
Speaking of Pathmark, here is the circular for the one on Cherry Street.
But as GWB said, it will vary on what you buy, where you shop, etc. But this gives you a ballpark estimate on what stuff costs.
Again, where in Manhattan, and what do you plan to buy? Are you living in Inwood eating shellfish or the Lower East Side with rice and beans?
Actually, you say that you%26#39;re only shopping in Manhattan- where are you living and what do you plan to eat? The fact that you%26#39;re looking for generic brands will make little difference in many cases- it%26#39;s not as if produce and meat come in ';generic.';
I would be a little suspect of something that came with the generic label ';MEAT';
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