Friday, March 30, 2012

Hotel Problems - Please Help.

Hi, I%26#39;m really in need of some good advice here. We will be spending one night (pre-cruise) in New York at the beginning of November and are booked into the Time Hotel. I%26#39;ve just read the most dreadful reviews from recent guests who say there are bed-bugs in this hotel. Obviously we no longer want to stay there and need some advice on where to stay. We want to attend mass at St Patrick%26#39;s cathedral (Sat night) and then go to the Rockerfeller Centre so need a hotel that%26#39;s convenient for those two places. I was looking at the Benjamin Hotel and the Lucerne but am open to any hints,tips and help. By the way our budget is only about $450 for a room for the two of us.

Please help if you can - I%26#39;ve never been to New York before and can%26#39;t wait......but want to stay somewhere nice and clean.

Many thanks.

Hotel Problems - Please Help.

I%26#39;m sorry to hear this about The Time Hotel. We stayed there for 7 nights last August and loved it!!! That%26#39;s very unfortunate. :O(

Hotel Problems - Please Help.

The beginning of Nov. can be a tough time to find a room b/c of the NYC Marathon on Nov 2. The Benjamin would be a good option. The Lucerne is nice but on the upper west side, not near either of the venues you mention. (doesn%26#39;t mean you can%26#39;t travel by taxi or subway though)

The NY Palace is probably the closest to Rock Ctr./St. Pat%26#39;s, but will probably be too expensive. You can also have a look at

Chambers Hotel

the Elysee (might be a nice option for a smaller hotel)

the Warwick

Omni Berkshire Place

Hilton NY


Rockefeller Center hotel

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