What is this neighborhood like for a week at Christmas? We want to stay in a new neighborhood other than Fifth at 55th. Any feedback about the area around 24th or 25th and Park would be appreciated.
Information about 24th and Park neighborhoodThat%26#39;s a good area - lots of restaurants, shops and Madison Square Park. There%26#39;s also a number of office buildings and City College in the area. It%26#39;s a good, vibrant area.
Information about 24th and Park neighborhoodThe area is considered Gramercy/Flatiron. It should be a lot less crowded than Fifth ave. in midtown. What hotel is it? If you normally stay at the St. Regis or the Peninsula, those will be hard to beat.
I work right there. It%26#39;s a great, safe neighborhood with many good restaraunts of all types (let me know if you need recommendations) and easy subway access via the Lexington Ave line. Very nice walking, too, both north (towards Times Sqare) and south (towards Union Square). Also good cross town bus service on 23rd. Madison Square Park is there and they will have sonme kind of holiday celebration -- keep checking www.madisonsquarepark.org/Home/Default.aspx as your trip approaches
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