Friday, March 30, 2012

Yankee Stadium to La Guardia - best transportation?


We%26#39;ll be at the game Friday night and afterward heading back to our hotel just outside La Guardia airport. I%26#39;m thinking that taking a subway part of the way (no stops near the hotel) and then catching a cab for the remainder of the trip. Is this the most efficient way to do it, and if so, where should I get off the subway to catch a cab? Trying to save a bit of money by not taking a cab the whole way, but let me know if that%26#39;s penny wise but pound foolish! (I can take it)

Thanks for the responses, NY here I come!!

Yankee Stadium to La Guardia - best transportation?

You probably won%26#39;t be able to get a cab at the stadium, anyway.

Take the 4 to 125th and then the M60 bus to LaGuardia. I assume your hotel has an airport shuttle? You can just grab the shuttle at the airport then. The M60 is a fast, limited stop bus.

Yankee Stadium to La Guardia - best transportation?

Perfect, I checked that out and that looks like a great plan. Thanks for the help!

Although if you are staying for more than that one night, it is a very poor plan to stay at a hotel ';just outside LaGuardia';.

Why is not a good idea to stay in a hotel near LAGuardia? I am going to a Yankee game with my father and son and we arrive on Saturday afternoon( After catching a Red Sox game at Fenway on Friday night.) We are going to Yankee Stadium on Sunday at 1pm and don%26#39;t leave for Miami(out of LaGuardia) until 8pm that night. What would be better, staying at a hotel near LaGuardia and catching a cab to and from the game or staying in the city and going back and forth?

For your situation, staying at LGA is fine. What GWB is reacting to is the number of people who want to stay at the airport while visiting New York as a whole for days on end, which is a really bad idea. In your case, that%26#39;s probably where I%26#39;d stay. That said, how are you getting here from Boston--plane, train, or bus? If plane, you%26#39;re flying into LGA, right?

We are flying into LaGuardia from Boston on Saturday at noon. We have all day and night in New York and don%26#39;t go to Yankee Staduim until 1pm on Sunday then have to catch an 8pm flight out of LaGuardia back home to Miami. I can%26#39;t decide whether to stay in the city and have some fun there and then cab it back and forth to the stadium(although what to do with our luggage while we are at the game is still a mystery to me.)Or to stay closer to LaGuardia and cab into the city on Saturday. Then cab to Yankee stadium and then back to the hotel(where we could keep our luggage until the game is over) then cab to LaGuardia...Not sure what to do...I have been told that the area around LaGuardia is not too desirable though...How long would it take to get to LaGuardia from Yankee stadium?

Forget the idea of taking a taxi to or from the stadium: The best way to get to the stadium from Manhattan is by subway, and it%26#39;s pretty much impossible to find a taxi after the game, so you%26#39;ll be taking the subway back.

If you stay in a hotel in Manhattan, you can leave your luggage there and come pick it up after the game.

I assumed you already had a hotel near LGA booked and was trying to tell you that you didn%26#39;t need to cancel it; if you don%26#39;t have a hotel booked already, then why not stay in Manhattan?

I%26#39;m just concerned about getting our luggage after the game and getting to LaGuardia on time for the fight home. How long would it take to get back to a hotel in the city from Yankee stadium to retrieve our luggage then get to LaGuardia?

1 comment:

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