Hi, everyone! Just got back home from NYC this morning at 2am. I wanted to write my first ever trip report since the entire time I was there I kept thinking, “I should write on TA about this…” =D But before I get started I want to assure all that I had a good time (not as good as I was hoping, but that will be explained during the course of this thread) and am looking forward to going back and doing everything I missed out on. It is amazing how much NYC has to offer. I loved it and I can wear my “I (heart) NY” t-shirt with sincerity! Thanks to everyone who contributes to the NYC forum, and I mean everyone, not just the regulars. Even the most random of posts helped. Hopefully my report will be just as helpful!
I thought the above theme would be fun. During my time on this forum I’ve read many a thread re itineraries and whether or not they were too ambitious. Well, I knew my itinerary was ambitious so I never posted it for criticism but I thought others might be interested to see how one vacation was planned and how it actually turned out especially since the plan and myself weren’t the only variables. My companions on this trip were two of my best friends Jose and Darlene, my mother (63yrs), and 10 yr old son, Aden. I should note that I bought the New York Pass and that the itinerary was highly influenced by it. Here it is completely unedited:
6am- arrive at JFK
7:30am- drop off luggage at B%26amp;B
Breakfast- Oxford Café. 375 5th Ave, New York btw 35th %26amp; 36th St. (212)889-7757
8:30am-9:30am The Empire State Building. 350 Fifth Avenue (between 33rd/34th Streets)
-New York Skyride, Empire State Building
10am-11:30a NBC Studio Tour. 30 Rockefeller Plaza at West 49th Street (between 5th/6th Avenues) (212)664-3700
Lunch? Street vendor?
Any extra time- go to B%26amp;H Photo 420 9th Avenue between 33rd and 34th streets. 212.444.6615
12:30p-3:30p Circle Line 3 hour Cruise. Pier 83, West 42nd Street at 12th Avenue (212)563-3200
4:45p- dinner reservations at Peter Luger’s. 178 Broadway, Brooklyn (718) 387-7400
8pm- Wicked
11:30p- Serendipity3, midnight snack. 225 East 60th Street. (212)838-3531
Breakfast- B%26amp;B
8am-1pm- Liberty Island/Ellis Island
Lunch- Grimaldi’s, 19 Old Fulton St. under the Brooklyn Bridge, (718)858-4300
-Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory, 1 Water St., (718)246-3963
2:30p-3:30p Walk Brooklyn Bridge
4pm-5pm- Bodies...The Exhibition. South Street Seaport Exhibition Centre, 11 Fulton St. (646)837-0300
6pm-6:30p- The Beast, Circle Line Sightseeing Cruises. Pier 83, West 42nd Street at 12th Avenue, (212)563-3200
Dinner- Mars 2112. 1633 Broadway at 51 Street. (212) 582-2112. closes at 9pm
-Madame Tussaud’s. 234 West 42nd Street (between 7th/ 8th Avenues). sells lest tix at 10pm
-Dylan’s Candy Bar, 1011 Third Avenue. (646) 735-0078. closes at 11pm
Breakfast- B%26amp;B
10a-11:30am- Central Park Zoo. 830 Fifth Avenue (at 64th Street) enter at 60th St. 212 861-6030
12noon-2pm- Central Park Movie Tour. Meet the tour guide holding the blue flag at the entrance of the N/R subway entrance on 59th Street, between Fifth and Sixth Avenues
Lunch- The Boathouse
3pm-6pm- The Met. 1000 Fifth Avenue, New York City, NY
7pm-9pm- Circle Line Sightseeing Cruises: Harbor Lights Cruise. Pier 83, West 42nd Street at 12th Avenue, New York, NY 10036. (212)563-3200
Dinner- Junior’s, Grand Central Terminal, closes at 10pm
Breakfast- B%26amp;B
8am-10am- Grand Central Terminal, Chrysler Building
10:30am- Yankee Stadium for 1:05pm A’s vs. Yankees Game
SuperMac. 348 7th Avenue (in between 29th and 30th). (212)760.1900
6pm- Coney Island
Dinner- Nathan’s
Breakfast- B%26amp;B
-attempt to get Yankee Stadium tour tickets
11am- The Peanut Butter %26amp; Co. Sandwich Shop. 240 Sullivan Street.
-Cones. 272 Bleecker St. 212-414-1795
Lunch- Shake Shack
7:30p- Top of the Rock, sunset viewing.
Dinner- Oyster Bar %26amp; Restaurant
Breakfast- hotel
8:30a- Zabar’s to pick up a picnic
Central Park
-Bethesda Terrace
-Bow Bridge
-rent boat
-Alice in Wonderland, Hans Christian Andersen
-Belvedere Castle
-Strawberry Fields
Sony Wonder Lab
Lunch- Burger Joint Le Parker Meridien Hotel 118 W 57th St at Sixth Ave 212-245-5000
Re-visit The Met, Times Square, South Street Seaport
Trip Report: Itinerary vs. Reality
i woke up this morning and the first thing i do is roll over to turn my bedside laptop back on. actually, for weeks now, my days have started and ended with me online- trip advisor and hopstop in particular. as i skim my itinerary i wonder how possible it is for us to make it to b%26amp;h on thursday. my point and shoot digital camera has literally fallen apart. luckily, it still works but its replacement is overdue and i really want that canon a650. what to do? should i make b%26amp;h a priority? rush through esb? skip the nbc tour? the reviews weren%26#39;t that great anyway. maybe we should go on the 2hr cruise instead of the 3... hhhmmm. I wonder if...
jose should be in manhattan right now. this nyc trip was jose%26#39;s idea. these past two years we%26#39;ve planned trips specifically to watch our team, the oakland athletics, play in different parks. we just came back from phoenix and watched the a%26#39;s whoop on the diamondbacks. last year we watched them in houston. the year before that we went to denver and san diego. this year was our last chance to see the a%26#39;s play in yankee stadium. we had to go see the house that ruth built. its a classic! its historic! i still can%26#39;t believe that they%26#39;re tearing it down. so for months the plan was to go see one of these games and for months jose waited for the yankees to release tickets. yankee tickets are relatively expensive, btw! and that%26#39;s just not stubhub. in general, seats in yankee stadium are pretty pricey to comparable seats in other stadiums. we opted to be a bit frugal and go for some of the cheaper seats for the july 20th game, a sunday. and then jose bought tickets to watch wicked for thursday, the 17th. i booked a week at the colonial house inn, a b%26amp;b at $160/nt, the best value i could find in manhattan. and just as our trip was taking shape, jose gets a call. apparently, he obligated himself and his restaurant to some community event last year and now they were confirming the date… saturday, july 19th, in the middle of our week in nyc! so now the biggest baseball fan amongst us is forced to miss the yankee game, the main purpose of the trip. in an effort to salavage anything of our plans, jose decides to arrive one day ahead of us on wednesday to take in some sights, enjoy our planned thursday and wicked, and depart friday morning.
so that%26#39;s why my best friend is wandering manhattan alone right now... with his phone off?! pick up your phone! i want to know how new york is! What are you doing? where are you? what have you done? do you love it, is it hot??? ... can you stop by b%26amp;h and pick up a camera for me...? hehehe
finally, jose turns on his phone and yes, he has no problem stopping by b%26amp;h. after 4 phone calls to b%26amp;h with 2 salespeople and 2 customer service reps, i%26#39;m finally allowed to purchase my camera over the phone with a credit card for jose to pick up in person in a couple of hours. i tell jose not to forget to show them the new york pass. they give a free gift after a $50 purchase with the new york pass but they give the same offer on one of those leaflets that you find in your hotel. you know, in that big diplay that all the tourist attractions have all their leaflets in? you%26#39;ll also find discounts to places like totr in there. jose calls back. do i want a camera bag or disposable camera? camera bag!
i do a little bit of last minute shopping at our premium outlets and costco before coming back home to pack. my plan is to use the airtrain and subway to get from jfk to the b%26amp;b so i want to pack light and make travel easier on us. one carry-on piece for both aden and myself. i%26#39;ll have a tote and aden can bring his backpack.
i%26#39;m printing all my confirmation emails. our air, hotel for our last night, our new york passes... new york passes. when i bought the passes online last month i opted to pick them up in nyc. i thought that would be easier. stupid me! i didn%26#39;t account for this in my itinerary! i read over the confirmation/voucher...i can pick them up at the planet hollywood in times square at... 10am...?! 10am?! we%26#39;re supposed to use those cards to get onto the empire stae building at 8:30am! omg... i%26#39;ve completely compromised our entire thursday and consequently our entire week! i%26#39;m panicking. i call planet hollywood. they open at 9am and i can pick them up then. better but not good enough. can i have a friend pick them up for me? sure, she says, does he have all my information? like what, i ask. my name? confirmation number? yeah, i can give that to him! what%26#39;s my friend%26#39;s name? jose (my hero, my savior). she%26#39;ll be there all night, they close at midnight, she%26#39;ll keep an eye out for him. thank you, thank you!
i call jose. where are you? having a drink with nick at a tavern on broadway? great! you%26#39;re not far from times square, right? i messed up! i should have had them mail me my passes like you did. you%26#39;re smart, i%26#39;m dumb. can you pick them up for me? you can? sweet! i love you!
whew! crisis averted.
as i%26#39;m copying and pasting hopstop directions to follow our itinerary, my phone rings. its jose. the lady assumed jose would have my printed voucher. she can%26#39;t give him the passes without the voucher. crap! do they have a computer so he can print it out, i ask. she directs him to a kinko%26#39;s two blocks away. he%26#39;ll go find it and call me back. God bless him!
he calls back. he can%26#39;t find kinko%26#39;s. dang it. this is more trouble than i wanted for him. i%26#39;m sorry! i%26#39;m so sorry! he%26#39;ll keep looking and call back.
he found it! yay! he starts to type in their new york pass web address but no, its in my email. you know my screen name, write down my password, it was sent on june 14. i gotta finish packing, call me if you have any other problems. thank you! love you! bye!
my itinerary with directions is 15 pages long. its a schedule with detailed subway, bus, and walking directions including distance and travel time, a complete how-to for from-here-to-there. i%26#39;m both proud and ashamed of myself. lol while this is printing, i%26#39;m scrambling to get all our bags together. its almost 7pm and we need to get to the airport for our 9:10pm red-eye.
when my husband drops us off, he%26#39;s able to pull up right to the curb- no familiar airport congestion with taxis dropping off fares in the middle of the street and causing more traffic. we%26#39;re not checking any bags so i print our boarding passes from one of those kiosks but none of that mattered since there was barely anyone waiting in line for the counters. no lines for security either. we were at our gate in 10 minutes flat. we should fly red-eyes more often!
this was our first time flying jetblue and aden was thoroughly impressed. he kept saying, ';i love this plane!'; he loved the big leather seats and his personal tv screen. but what impressed him the most was that he could watch satellite tv the entire flight. i tell him just an hour and that he needs to get to sleep. he asks why and i tell him that once we get off the plane, we%26#39;re not resting. we%26#39;re going out into the city and we%26#39;ll be out all day. when the time comes he lays his head on my lap and falls right to sleep. i, on the other hand, had the most uncomfortable night i%26#39;ve had on a plane in a really long time. i don%26#39;t know what it was but i tried my best to get some good sleep.
Trip Report: Itinerary vs. Reality
We could all use a Jose in our lives-- talk about being there for you, quite literally!
I very rarely comment on itineraries as I%26#39;m a take it as it comes traveller for the most part, it%26#39;ll be interesting to see how you managed with yours, especially the timings.
Really enjoyed this first part, rest up and give us the next.
%26gt;%26gt;my itinerary with directions is 15 pages long. its a schedule with detailed subway, bus, and walking directions including distance and travel time, a complete how-to for from-here-to-there.
i%26#39;m both proud and ashamed of myself.%26lt;%26lt;
This is hilarious...and oh so true.
«my itinerary with directions is 15 pages long. its a schedule with detailed subway, bus, and walking directions including distance and travel time, a complete how-to for from-here-to-there. i%26#39;m both proud and ashamed of myself. lol»
lol I%26#39;m a firm believer in planning, too. It saves time and money. And there will always be surprises and discoveries, especially in a city like New York.
';The best laid plans of mice and men ....'; The knowledge that itinerary and reality will clash has me almost paralyzed. I fear I haven%26#39;t done ENOUGH planning. Post the next part while I go check my notes.
Too Too funny!! You are definitely a lucky girl to have Jose in your life. I am glad that I was browsing this forum today as I have never read a PRE trip report like this one.
thanks, everyone. yes, i am really, really lucky to have jose! i realize that more than ever now! and when it comes to an itinerary like this one, he would be my ideal travel buddy.
wow, my posts are long! i%26#39;ll see if i can keep the next ones a bit shorter but i probably won%26#39;t get back to it until after work tonight- back to the grind =(
thanks for taking the time to read!!!
no need to shorten your posts, they are entertaining... looking forward to the next chapter...
love and light...
You itinerary was one of the more ambitious I%26#39;ve seen on the forum so I%26#39;m very pleased you%26#39;ve adopted this approach to a TR - can%26#39;t wait to see how it turned out!