Friday, April 27, 2012

Getting from New Jersey to NYC?

Would appreciate suggestions on the best ways (cost-wise, convenience, etc.) of getting from New Jersey to the main places of interest in NYC - such as Broadway, Central Park, Empire State Building, Statue of Libery and so on.


Getting from New Jersey to NYC?

New Jersey is more than 100 miles from end to end, so the answer is quite different depending on where in NJ. Where in NJ? Jersey City, Paramus, Morristown, Trenton, Cape May?

Getting from New Jersey to NYC?

Agree with the above. New Jersey is a state, not a city. Where you are in New Jersey will make a big difference as to which (if any) public transportation options make sense. Remember most people who live in New Jersey own a car to get around in New Jersey. Unless you chose a hotel carefully that%26#39;s very close to transportation, you could have a problem.

has a trip planner you can use if you have the exact address of where you%26#39;ll be staying.

Sorry, I wasnt too sure abt where I%26#39;d be staying earlier but it will most probably be somewhere near to Newark Airport. The address I have is Spring Street, Elizabeth, NJ 7201.

On the other hand, would you advise staying in NJ or say, somewhere in Flushing NY 11354?


Staying in Newark near the airport is a terrible idea. It%26#39;s far to travel, it will be expensive and it may not be very safe. Flushing, if it%26#39;s near a subway station (very important) will be infinitely better, cheaper and easier.

I would take Flushing over Elizabeth in a heart beat. Flushing is part of Queens which is part of New York City which means that there is subway service (how well a particular area is served by a subway is another story). Look into a place like the La Quinta Inn in Long Island City (really Sunnyside), The Pan American. Staying in Elizabeth to visit NYC is just a bad move, a really bad move.

What is the purpose of your visit? Business - pleasure etc?

For visiting NYC and sightseeing at the sights listed I would suggest staying in Manhattan.


That%26#39;s otherwise known as US Route 1%26amp;9. I%26#39;ve stayed at an airport hotel on that road - it%26#39;s a highway that doesn%26#39;t even have any sidewalks along part of the route. I have walked in the dusty shoulder to get to a crappy bar in Elizabeth because I was hungry and the hotel had nothing to eat. Awful choice for coming to NYC.

Staying in Flushing by the 7 train would be a much better idea, but once again, you have to be in a hotel by the subway, not out in the middle of nowhere (as some ';Flushing'; hotels are) where you can%26#39;t get to the subway. What hotels are you specifically looking at?

The hotels in Flushing that have the zip code 11354 will almost certainly be near Main Street and its subway station. You will also find that they are in a vibrant, bustling Asian (largely Chinese and Korean) community.

If you think you have identified a hotel, whether in Flushing or in any other part of Queens, ask here first before you make your reservation and we can tell you whether or not it is close to rapid transit.

I would sty in Downtown Newark or Jersey City.

Ditto from everyone here, so far. Staying in New Jersey, I feel is not the best idea, and especially at the Airport. In my opinion, staying at the airport only provides somewhat of a close ride to Newark. Since you%26#39;re coming in from Malaysia, I assume that you%26#39;re going to take Malaysian Air? In any regards, save yourself the hassle, and definitely money, by staying somewhere in Queens. Broadway, Central Park, and ESB are all a 7 train ride away. Statue of Liberty, a bit south of all three but easily do-able with a transfer to the W train at Queensboro Plaza.

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