Thursday, April 26, 2012

Best way to get from JFK to Chinatown?

What%26#39;s the best way for 3 people in the late 50%26#39;s to get from JFK to Chinatown around 3pm in the afternoon on a Thursday?

Does anyone know how much a cab would cost, or how complicated it would be for them to have to take the subway? What other options are there?

Best way to get from JFK to Chinatown?

Yellow Cab - approximately $60.00 - subway is OK, however if they are not English speaking/reading I would suggest the cab. If it were me, I would take a Yellow Cab and Yellow Cab only - do not accept an offer from a livery driver as they may get ripped off by these unscrupulous characters.


Best way to get from JFK to Chinatown?

There%26#39;s a flat cab fare from JFK into Manhattan - about $45? plus tolls and tip.

If they dont have a lot of luggage and want to save money they can take the Airtrain to Jamaica station to pick up the Long Island Rail Raod (LIRR) to Penn Station NYC, then take the D train from Penn Station to Grand Street (Chinatown). Or they could take the Airtrain to the subway and connect to another subway line or crosstown bus in Manhattan. Its easier than it sounds, but if they%26#39;re not used to taking mass transit or have a lot of luggage they may want to just jump in a cab. It would be $7 per person for the AirTrain/subway combo and a little more if they go via LIRR - so for 3 people the cab isnt much more.

Late 50s is young! My 70ish year old parents do the mass transit/wheeling luggage from the airport to Paris - if they can do it the 50 year olds should be able to with no problem. But, my parents are carry on people.

Once they get a feel for the subway, they can take it back to the airport to save money for trip home.

The D train does not stop at Penn Station, but stops a block away on Sixth Avenue. If you are going to walk from Penn station to Sixth. you also have the option of taking the N or R to Canal Street.

ugh - you%26#39;re right of course GWB.

Better would be to take the E from Jamaica to West 4th I guess, and connect to the D there. A little longer, but cheaper than taking the LIRR. I had brain freeze when I was replying and trying to avoid them taking a crosstown bus on Canal from the subway...

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