Friday, April 27, 2012

New York mother son trip - he's!

Greetings! I am from Canada, and I%26#39;m going to New York City for just 4 days with my 11 year old son for a special trip. Any advice on things to do? I%26#39;m overwhelmed...


New York mother son trip - he's!

What are his interests? You could take a bike ride through Central Park, walk the Brooklyn Bridge, take the Staten Island ferry and see the SOL from a distance, visit the American Natural History Museum to see the dinosaurs or the Metropolitan Museum to see the Super Heroes exhibit, see a show, ride the subway, shop. The options are endless. Ask him for a top four and do one each day. Make sure that he is involved in the planning and it will make it all more exciting.

New York mother son trip - he's!

I think your 11 year old will enjoy the Museum of Natural History and the Planetarium show.

Other things you could do:

Lion King - although getting tickets on such short notice might be tough/expensive.

Blue Man Group - great visual/acoustic experience.

Madame Tussaud%26#39;s Wax Museum.

The Bodies Exhibit at The Seaport.

The NY Mets at Shea - again, tickets would be tough to get but would be available for a price on (Yankees are out of town).

My 11 year old, stuck in the body of a 42 year old, loved the Natural History Museum, I couldn%26#39;t get him away from t-rex :-)

Take a deep breath Darlena. ;) You%26#39;ll have a great time. There%26#39;s some good general info on this page鈥?/a>

with lots of links on the right hand side. If you tell us where you%26#39;re staying, what your son likes and anything in particular you want to do, we can help. If you plan on going to Empire state building, Statue of Liberty or a show, I%26#39;d recommend getting tickets now online before you arrive. For a show, go to

and look for discounts on the left hand side. Shows your son might like include

on Broadway



off Broadway

Blue Man Group


Dont forget a trip to FAO swartz(?) and Toys R us :)

My 11 year old son loved Top of the Rock, The Museum of Natural History, Biking through Central Park, Central Park Zoo, Times Square at night (Dave %26amp; Busters), the off broadway show Stomp, and eating at Jekyll and Hyde in the Village. Relax I%26#39;m sure you guys will have a great time!!! :o)

How wonderful for both of you! Here are some of my son%26#39;s favorites in NYC (he is 12 years old).

1. Spamalot: plenty of bodily function humor to make a boy howl!

2. National Comedy Theatre: Like the tv show ';Whose line is it anyway?'; Great improv and appropriate content.

3. Central Park: Climb on the rocks at the playground near 6th and Central Park South, ride the carousel, rent remote control boats on the Conservatory Pond, rent row boats on the Lake near Bethesda Fountain, have a coke (you should have wine) at the cafe at the Boathouse restaurant.

4. Metropolitan Museum of Art: Stick with the Egyptian Exhibit and the Arms and Armor exhibit. Huge hit with kids.

5. Top of the Rock: Great views of Central Park and the Empire State Building.

6. Nintendo Center: Located behind the Today Show set at Rockefeller Center. If your son has a Nintendo DS or a Wii, this is the place to try out all the latest games and gadgets.

7. NBA Store on 5th Avenue: Indoor basketball court that is good for some shots.

8. Toys R Us in Times Square: Ride the ferris wheel!

9. ESPN Zone: Great video and arcade games.

10. PIZZA: Lombardi%26#39;s is my son%26#39;s favorite (Soho). His sisters favor Grimaldi%26#39;s in Brooklyn. John%26#39;s Pizzeria on 44th near Times Square is great pre or post Spamalot as it is located directly across the street from the theatre.

11. Walk across the Brooklyn Bridge from Brooklyn to Manhattan preferably at sunset (and following dinner at Grimaldi%26#39;s) My son loves to see the bridge up close and to see how it was made. The view is not his thing but mine!

12. Hershey%26#39;s store and M %26amp; M Stores because he likes chocolate.

13. Dessert at Ellen%26#39;s Stardust Diner for the singing waitstaff and the tasty sundaes.

That%26#39;s all I can think of now! Have a great time! I took my son to Paris this past winter for a special trip. We had a great time and he loved being the center of attention without his sisters! I will always cherish the memories of that time together. Enjoy! Moms

...all of the above,plus the Sony Wonderlab,Fireman%26#39;s Museum,Policemans%26#39;Museum....

my girls loved Spamalot,Stomp,Blue Man Group;Am.Museum of Nat%26#39;.History a big favorite..Central Park;Battery Park;boatrides/ferry to Gov.Island is free;Roosevelt Is.Tram..whew,I can see how you are overwhelmed..make a list from all posts%26#39; suggestions,look them up online..see what your son sounds most interested in..plot out travel time to see which can be done..then,plan to return!have fun!

Here was a recent day with two moms, one older teen and three 12-year-olds. One boy was a visitor from overseas and we had one day to show him Manhattan.

9 a.m. Walked around Rockefeller Center, saw some of TODAY show. Grabbed bagels for breakfast.

10 a.m. Shop near Times Sq (cool skateboard stores)

Also went to Box Office for ';Cirque Jungle Dreams'; and bought 6 tickets at $26.50 each! (Many shows have cheaper seats than they advertise...but you have to go to the Box Office to get them.)

11:30 a.m. Back to hotel (drop off packages)

12 p.m. Walk along west walkways in Central Park

1 p.m. Lunch at Dallas BBQ on 72nd

2 p.m. Walk to Museum of Natural History (Could have spend MUCH longer here!)

4:30 p.m. C train down to Canal Street; switched to E train to WTC (subway not as crowded as we thought)

5:00 p.m. Quick views of WTC; walked to SI Ferry

5:30 p.m. Rode Ferry for views of Statue of Liberty

6:00 p.m. Walked through Ferry terminal and caught ';return'; boat to Manhattan.

6:45 p.m. Rode 1 train to 50th Street.

7:20 p.m. Fast stop for pizza.

8 p.m. Saw ';Cirque Jungle Dreams'; at theatre near 53rd %26amp; Broadway.

We did spend a lot of time on the subway, but we were catering to our guest%26#39;s requests to see certain things. And it did provide some good rest time for our tired feet!

Hope you and your son have a great time!

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