Thursday, April 26, 2012 it really that easy?

I am coming up for a Yankees game. If we stay in Manhattan, we would stay @ the Wall Street Inn. We would drive into the city and park the car there and take the subway to/from the game.

I know my way around the city, but have never taken the subway. It looks like we can get the #4 at Wall St/Broadway and take it all the way to the stadium. Is it really that simple? Can we buy the cards, paying with credit cards, at the station right before we get on? Or should we have cash? I%26#39;m figuring it will probably take about an hour to get to the stadium from there, does that sound right?

Sorry for the dumb questions, everyone (who doesn%26#39;t live in NYC) makes the subway out to be this horrible unknown, but it seems simple to me. it really that easy?

Yep, it%26#39;s that simple.

You don%26#39;t need cash--you can use your credit card in the machine.

The official MTA schedule is 37 minutes from Bowling Green to 161st Street, so planning on an hour ought to be fine.

By the way, have you read the Idiot%26#39;s Guide to the Subway, found here?鈥?/a> it really that easy? really is that easy. When we go to NYC, we only use the subway. It is awesome. The main thing you need to know when boarding a train is whether you%26#39;re going uptown or downtown. Once you know that, you%26#39;re pretty much good. The train takes you straight to Yankee Stadium. :o)

Once you do this you%26#39;ll kick yourself - ok, maybe just wonder at yourself - for never having taken it before. It really is that easy!

Last summer was the first time I used the subway and I didn%26#39;t get on the wrong train once. I used subway throughout my stay in NYC. The subway map might look daunting at first but once you are there and using the system all will become clear.

I admit, it took 3 trips to Amsterdam before I got on the tram. Was afraid of putting the strippenkart in the machine the wrong way! In a place where people speak better English than many Americans and would be happy to help me. How ridiculous of me...

The #4 train stops right by Yankee Stadium and is the way that New Yorkers get to the games. From Wall Street, an hour seems about right. You can pay at the Metrocard machines with credit/debit/cash. Driving is for suckers and suburbanites.

The subways in NYC have had a lot of improvements. They are no longer the grime filled and graffiti covered messes seen in movies from the 70s. Moreover, they are a safe and convenient way to travel.

Depending on how long you stay in NYC, you may want to invest in a weekly unlimited Metrocard. This is your key to all subways and buses, and will get you anywhere-usually quicker than a car.

Rode the NYC subway for the first time two weekends ago.

The only mildly confusing thing is multiple trains run on the same line - like an Express and a Local.

All stops are on maps on pillars on the subway platform. If you are unsure, do what I did - ask the driver/conductor before you get on.

If you totally mess up and think you are on the wrong train either listen for the driver/conductor to say the next stop or look at the illuminated stop map inside the car or get off at the next stop, ask the attendent and board another train.

If two middle aged women from the Midwest can figure out, you can also.

Or the way they usually show it even today.

';Yep, it%26#39;s that simple';

I couldn%26#39;t agree more. I%26#39;ve been to NY 6/7 times relied on it for almost all my rides. That being said,I feel oblied to warn you: beware weekends!

Last time I was there, I had to change trains many times on a Sunday because of some of them not going all the way, or not stopping where they were supposed to, etc, etc, etc. I could see many local seemingly completly lost.

Could our fellow new yorkers tell us if there are other rules for weekends or is it ad hoc?

*** Sorry for the dumb questions, everyone (who doesn%26#39;t live in NYC) makes the subway out to be this horrible unknown, but it seems simple to me. ***

I guess you%26#39;re just talking about figuring out the train system ..... yes that%26#39;s simple ..... but there%26#39;s still a lot of evil that lurks %26#39;down below%26#39;. There was just a recent survey conducted by the city that reported an astonishing number of women seem to have been ..... groped ..... on the subway. The city is now starting an add campaign to fight all the ..... goping.鈥?008-07-19_


Wow .... I didn%26#39;t realize this was such a problem. So ladies be careful.

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