A couple of VT moms are heading to NYC this weekend for food, shopping and drinks. I am looking for some input on the best Indian food, Sushi, Italian and clubs. And of course shopping!!!
Thanks for your help!
Girls weekend in NYC
Hi, milphil. There are loads of Indian restaurants depending on where you are and what kind of place you want. Tabla and Tamarind are more trendy places (and you%26#39;d want to have a reservation). Then there are more traditional Indian places from casual to fancy. Do you know the website
It will help a lot. As to clubs, I think it depends on your age and what kind of clubs you want.
list the trendier clubs, but they may not be good for VT. Moms. ;)
As for shopping, again what kind? Here%26#39;s a link to a shopping guide from NY magazine.
There%26#39;s a whole section on shopping in the FAQ on the forum here
Girls weekend in NYC
For Indian Food go to K lounge in midtown if i remember. I have been there once and the food is just AWESOME !!!!
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