Please give me your feedback......
Is the Last Row Extremly bad?
The last row of what...................????????????
Is the Last Row Extremly bad?
Not always. If the theater is relatively small the last row shouldn%26#39;t be too bad. Be careful though, if it%26#39;s the last row of the orchestra or mezzanine, there might be another floor above you and therefore the last row of the level that you are on might have a big overhang over it which could muffle the sound for where your seats will be. One of the biggest factors in not always which row you are in, but who ends up sitting in front of you!
Maybe it is the last row of stitches of the yellow jumper you knitted for your winter vacation.
and Poppa, remember when the last row of the movies was the place to be.
or Toy Atlanta you could try the row behind the emrgency exit
woops shaky link
yes gibraltarr I do - and if someone (Mom or Dad) asked what the movie was about the usual reply is ';What Movie';.......
how did I know that behind that persona of respectability there lies ..... Poppa
speaking of the last row of knitting - has anyone seen that great Diesel ad? Well, I dont, know if its an ad, but its the poster currently in the Diesel store... 2 women standing on the London tube - and a person knitting in the background, but s/he%26#39;s knitting the string coming off the back of one of the model%26#39;s sweaters..... you can see it getting shorter. Very well done!
Now that I%26#39;ve jacked the thread, back to the topic at hand - I thought the OP meant the last row of the plane!
evening - that goes to show you - never think!
OP%26#39;s are providing less information lately - it%26#39;s becoming very difficult to even offer sarcasm!
I know... the path recently taken by LTT is getting very tempting lately.... But, we%26#39;re having so much fun here at work today that I dont mind a little board-ome!
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