Friday, April 27, 2012

Commute to NYC from Long Island City. Advice needed please.

I%26#39;m staying at the Days Inn in Long Island City for the first leg of my trip to NYC for four night.

I just wanted to know how long the commute to NYC would be... for example to the following...

Fifth Avenue shopping...

Times Square...

Central Park...


Barneys (Madison Avenue)...

I think the nearest station to the hotel is 33rd St Station.

How regular are trains to this station plus what is the last train? Are they safe at night?

Sorry for all the questions, but I am just absolutely clueless.

Commute to NYC from Long Island City. Advice needed please.

Would it be better for me to just get the cab to and from the city and only use the subway when acutally in NYC?

My main concern is after a hard days shopping/sight seeing I may want to chill back at the hotel for couple of hours before going back for some dinner?

Commute to NYC from Long Island City. Advice needed please.

';Would it be better for me to just get the cab to and from the city and only use the subway when acutally in NYC?';

Check your geography- Long Island City is IN NYC. The subway runs throughout NYC. All of this is ';the city.';

Also check your map- you are only listing locations in midtown Manhattan which are all very near Long Island City. Your commute to any of these places is not likely to take more than 15-20 minutes at the very most.

If you want to stop being clueless, pick up a guidebook and read it. I understand that you%26#39;re new to the situation, but it%26#39;s not difficult to learn.

The subways run 24-7-365 and are about 98% safe. Sunnyside is a busy residential neighborhood, and you should consider exploring it.

To measure distances and commuting time, you can use:

and (and you cna use the ';find nearby'; feature.

The #7 goes directly to Times Square, and that would take about 20 minutes. Going home and going back out at night is pretty typical in NYC, so you won%26#39;t be the only one doing that by far.

If you type ';Sunnyside'; in the search box, you%26#39;ll get lots of previous threads on the area.

Asking about the commute from Long Island City to New York City is very much like asking about the commute from Hulme to Manchester. You might find looking at a map to be helpful.

Once you board the #7 train at Rawson Street (also known as 33rd Street) station in Long Island City (and this really is Long Island City, and not Sunnyside), it is a ten minute ride to Grand Central Terminal, and a thirteen minute ride to Times Square.

As even the most basic research would have told you, there is no such thing as a ';last train'; on the New York City subway, and yes they are safe at night.

The schedule can be found here:

will give you estimated time for travel between various points and also estimate a taxi fare. I wouldn%26#39;t depend on taxis b/c you may not find taxis cruising in LIC. I also worry about your expectations of LIC when you%26#39;re talking about shopping at Barney%26#39;s. LIC is an industrial area that%26#39;s slowly getting gentrified. There are no photos that I can find online of your hotel, but if you go to

and plot it on the map and get a street view, you will see the building. You are across from an elevated train track.

You really need to look at a map. Some how you actually got a well located hotel in NYC (the borough of Queens, but that is part of NYC) close to a subway, how, considering your comments, is something of a mystery.

jl - based on this query and your other posts - you really need to get a GUIDEBOK and MAP of NYC and its environs; plus searching this Forum, FAQ%26#39;s etc will be most helpful to you.

PLEASE do some basic research, find out where you will be staying in relation to other activities in whcih you are interested - this is not rocket science, well, to some it isn%26#39;t.

And my esteemed colleague, BobbyC is correct, how you got such a conveniently located hotel is the mystery of the week.


%26lt;%26lt;And my esteemed colleague, BobbyC is correct, how you got such a conveniently located hotel is the mystery of the week.%26gt;%26gt;

Why would you guys pile on this poster with cracks like this?

Thanks for the replies. Yes, maybe I should have done a bit more reading before posting, as even i even found on wikipedia that subways are 24hr... silly me.

The reason why I was a little concerned about commuting time is because using it estimated journey time to Times Sq for example to be around half hour or fifth avenue about 40mins.

But then again im assuming alot of this time is including the walking and waiting for the train times.

As said, I have seen a few videos on youtube and pics on google of LIC and it%26#39;s not really a place I%26#39;d like to spend much time in... so most of my time will be spent going back and forth to Manhatten.

Daytime sight-seeing and shopping, then back to the hotel for a little rest before setting out again for dinner or a show, and my main concern was whether this was viable with the commute time. But thanks to some of the replies on here, it doesn%26#39;t seem too bad.

One more thing though if you don%26#39;t mind, I was looking on googlemaps, are there seperate entrances/exits for trains going downtown/uptown on Rawson St station?

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