Friday, April 27, 2012


I%26#39;m looking for a hotel that%26#39;s not too much $$ out of New York. I%26#39;m Going to a Yankee game and would like to train it in.


The best way to get to the stadium is by subway. The easiest way to get the subway is from Manhattan. When are you going and what is your hotel budget?


going to the game sept. 15th. looking for something about 150-175 but safe with parking

I%26#39;m golfing Bethpage on Sunday and would like to try to golf Monday before the game. That%26#39;s why I thought it would be better to stay out of the city because of traffic and tolls and time.please help.

Along the same topic...we are moving our daughter into her apartment in Chelsea on Sat Aug 23, would like a hotel to stay in outside of Manahattan for Friday night after our drive from Ohio. Which cities in NJ should we look at? For safety and price?

  • scars
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