Friday, April 27, 2012



I am visiting at the end of March and would love to taken in a show with a stand up comedian. Even better if the show had various act and drinks were also available. I%26#39;ve tried to google this but without much luck. I am staying on 52nd street during my visit and would prefer to find something in that area.

Many Thanks


There are loads of comedy clubs and they all serve drinks. Not sure what you%26#39;re googling. ;)

Get used to giving 2 cross streets for a location. (ie 52 st. %26amp; Broadway). Otherwise, people don%26#39;t know where you mean. Don%26#39;t worry about how close a club is to your hotel. Transportation is easy.


I think that I googled something like ';comedy club new york'; gives you a lot - - however, some clubs%26#39; website are very bad (not much info).

Depending on which night you go, you may get newcomers or a headliner. Their actual schedules don%26#39;t seem to be set until a couple months beforehand (if that early), so you won%26#39;t get exact performers for March for a long time.

I agree that location should not be a major factor - pick a club that you seem to like, it should be easy to get to. :)

Thanks for the replys

Quoted on a reply

!! Get used to giving 2 cross streets for a location. (ie 52 st. %26amp; Broadway). Otherwise, people don%26#39;t know where you mean ';

I have never been to New York before and am actually visiting from Scotland.

Is their a way to read and learn the road maps etc etc. To be honest I don%26#39;t have a clue how to do this

Can anyone recommened a club!!

For maps, you could start with google maps and play around with it.

If I am right, streets go from E-W and avenues from N-S. Since these streets and avenues stretch (often) all the way across (or up and down), it is hard to say what is around (say) 52nd street with a cross-street (or in this case, ave) to know which part of city it is actually in. Everyone in NYC goes by the 2 street system - so better get acclimated. :)

We went to Caroline%26#39;s (Broadway one). The talent is pretty good there .... prices are high-ish, but maybe not so different from other clubs? We went to early show - - just a scheduling choice. That was a bit problematic as there were two large groups of tourists - - both rather uptight and they kind of sucked the life out of the room. If you go to a more touristy place like this, it may be better to go to the late show.

My two cents.

All New Yorker are comedians. Comedy rises up from the streets. Talk to ordinary New Yorkers and you are sure to get your share of laughs.

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