Monday, April 23, 2012

HELP PLEASE! Never been to NY.......Need to book ASAP>>

Highline Ballroom

431 W. 16th Street

New York City

Bentley Hotel

500 E. 62nd Street

New York City

How far from Highline to Bentley? Mapquest is no help!

HELP PLEASE! Never been to NY.......Need to book ASAP%26gt;%26gt;

Google maps will help.

click directions then plug in your addresses.

HELP PLEASE! Never been to NY.......Need to book ASAP%26gt;%26gt;

The Bentley is on 62nd Street and York Avenue. I know people who have stayed there and did not like the location.

Highline Ballroom is on 16th Street between 9th %26amp; 10th Avenue, nowhere near The Bentley.

Are you just staying for 1 night, or a weekened?


Will be there 8/25-28; probably won%26#39;t stay at the Bentley now, too far and after reading reviews, nah. Just trying to find a clean and decent place to stay. Will be attending a show at the Highline on 8/27 and don%26#39;t want to be too far from its location if that%26#39;s possible. But, the way the hotel prices are going, don%26#39;t know, yikes!

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