Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Eating in NYC - Quick question


I%26#39;m going to NYC in January (I know some time away yet!) and have been browsing the forum recently looking for ideas.

With regards to eating out in NYC, I%26#39;ve noticed that many people book tables at restaurants prior to going. Is this necessary? And if it is, can anyone give me some inspiration/advice on where to look at eating meals? I%26#39;m going with my mum who tends to eat very little %26amp; mainly light food whilst I%26#39;ll eat anything! I don%26#39;t particularly want anywhere fancy, just good food %26amp; good atmosphere, where we can wear casual dress. I have booked a table for lunch at Gordon Ramsey%26#39;s Maze restaurant, but only because I heard that reservations need to be made well in advance.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Eating in NYC - Quick question

Check out:



Eating in NYC - Quick question

Thanks for that :)

And if you have more questions about NYC, be sure to post them on the New York City forum. This is the New York State forum, which not nearly as many people read. The NYC forum is here:


Thanks I didn%26#39;t realise there were 2 threads!

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