being 5 hours ahead in the uk and thinking back to my last nyc trip i recall waking at stupid-o-clock and falling asleep when the night was still young....just wondered if anyone has any tips on getting my bodyclock adjusted for my forthcoming trip (2 weeks and 2 days....not that i%26#39;m counting!) so i can make the most of my time in the big apple?
beating the tiredness.....I think the best thing you can do is stay up and awake as long as you can the day you arrive, if you can make it to a reasonable bed time local time you should be OK. Easier said than done but it defiantly helps. Also easier said than done is not to try and plan too much the day you arrive.
beating the tiredness.....fallen at the 1st hurdle!!
we leave home at 4.30am and arrive nyc 2pm which is the same as last time, this time we have planned a relaxing 1st evening after unpacking (drinks at the met with live music followed by dinner at candle 79 at 9.30pm then bed!), however the next day is action packed which i%26#39;m now thinking may be a bad idea.
i just remember the awful tiredness last time (jetlag on top of pounding the streets all day) and not being able to do everything we wanted to do. nights out were virtually non-existant as we collapsed into a heap around 9pm!
Ouch!! We live a good bit from any airport so tend to stay over night at the airport to be a bit fresher than we would be otherwise. I鈥檓 not one for getting sleep on the plane either. Think we arrived at 12pm local last time so about 2ish by time we got to our hotel. I think it was about the third day when we were pretty much dying on our feet!
first time we went we fell asleep early then woke at stupid o clock too! second time we tried to sleep as much as poss on plane (i know! easier said than done what with been on plane/excitementetc!)then when we arrived we tried to go by local time so ate at local tea time went to bed at local bed time! we found going to times square woke us up that place always does! we then coped far better rest of the week, thats my tip anyway! so jealous-enjoy!
Try and have a short nap on the plane on the way out.
Try and stay up till about 11pm local time the night you arrive.
Aim to be up by 8.30 the following morning ( you should have no trouble slleping 8 hours having been up for 24 )
I find this works fine and I have no big tirdness issues until returning... assuming you are leaving NYC evening time, arriving 0900 ish BST, stay awake as far as possible til 8.30-10pm( I cannot manage more than an hour on most flights) ( its hard I know)
then go to bed and sleep( make sure you have minimal distractions). I make sure I sleep no later than 10am, even if I feel I can.
No afternoon naps from here on in, just return to your normal bed/wake times.
Some people claim you can start changing your body time clock before you leave by going to bed earlier by an hour, then two, then three until the last night you%26#39;re going to bed 5 hrs. earlier, but that%26#39;s not usuaally practical for most people. Simple things to try:
Change your watch to NYC time when you first get on the plane and start thinking that%26#39;s the time. Try to avoid alcohol or coffee on the plane. Nap if you can and drink lots of water.
As someone else said, stay awake until a reasonable time the first night in NYC. Try for 10 pm.
Assume you%26#39;ll wake up very early the first day, plan what you%26#39;ll do that morning and try to allow for an afternoon nap. Do NOT plan to see a show the second night you%26#39;re here.
Since you%26#39;re coming at what could be a hot time, don%26#39;t overdo. If you want a night life, don%26#39;t pack your days so full. It%26#39;s a VACATION, not a marathon. ;)
thanks guys.
i%26#39;d heard something about going to bed earlier before you leave, going to give that a try...mind you with the excitement and last minute panic buying/packing it%26#39;ll probably not happen!
last time we were in bed by about 11.30pm 1st night but (me being someone who can sleep on a washing line!) i woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed at 5am...not good! know what, you%26#39;re right!!! i have spent months planning this next trip, trying to cram everything possible in to every free minute...and when i think back to last time the best bits were those relaxing, unplanned, unexpected moments...
oh and fitbloke (nice name!!) we are leaving 10.30pm, get back to newcastle 12.30pm the following day....urgh!!
BB27 which airport you flying out of? Take it you%26#39;re getting another connection out of the Uk-if onlyNewcastle would start flying direct! Couldn%26#39;t agree more with you about relaxing times and unexpected things being the best!
we fly to heathrow then on to jfk.
if only!....last time we went in 2006 we were actually booked on the american airlines direct flight from newcastle to jfk...which then got pulled about 2 months!
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