Thursday, April 26, 2012

Scotland world cup qualifiers

Can anyone please help. I am in New York on 10 September and looking for a bar that will show the qualifiers. I%26#39;ve tried the tartan army web site and St Andrews bar but no info yet. Any ideas ?

Big Al

Scotland world cup qualifiers

I would look for any bar that advertises Premiership matches from England and Scotland as they obviously have sky and have an interest in showing British football. When Ive been in New York I have watched premiership matches at Nevada Smiths (google it), I would try their website (they used to do a fixture list including allsorts of matches) and any of the Irish bars as they usually have uk matches. Use the %26#39;search%26#39; facitily on here, you will prob get recommendations from others.

Scotland world cup qualifiers

Hi Ally,you could try The Blue Room,bar/restaurant,the address is 1140 Second Ave on the corner of 60th st.Its a Rangers supporters hang out with big screen (212)688-4344.

Hope this helps.


Hi again,just found another bar showing SPL and Euro matches its SMITHS Bar/restaurant at 701 8TH Avenue corner of 44th and 8th


Try that should help.

Didney, i%26#39;ll second Smiths, not just for the soccer but have you seen some of the girls behind the bar!

Merlin,I havent but, since youve mentioned it smiths will be on my list of must DO...for my visit in november,youve just made my mind up for me...ha ha


Many thanks to all who replied. I will check them out and let you know how I got on.


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