Well, we started the day fairly early. Decided at the last minute to head down to the Today Show. We saw segment they were doing outside and family back home saw us when they panned the visitors. We didn%26#39;t get there too early and had a good view. There was a family near us with 4 little ones that had been there since 6:30 and those kids were not handling it well!
Took a look at St. Patrick%26#39;s Cathedral which was just beautiful. So majestic. From there it was off to the M%26amp;M Store. It boggles my mind that they have a whole store of nothing but M%26amp;M stuff. And 3 floors at that! Then, headed to the Hershey store. The kids weren%26#39;t as impressed. But, it sure did smell good!
Next, we went to the Library. I figured we would take our pictures by the lions outside and wander in for just a minute, but we stayed there for quite a while. My kids really enjoyed looking around. We headed upstairs to see all the portraits, Gutenberg (sp?) and the all the stuffed animals from Winnie-the-Pooh. Also, discovered the Declaration of Independence on display downstairs. Spent some time there and then the boys wanted to see the reading of it. They have a movie every 15 minutes or so with actors reading the Declaration. Anyway, the Library is quite stunning and I was amazed that my kids enjoyed themselves.
Found Bryant Park right behind and stopped for a bit to see pieces of different Broadway shows being performed. What a treat! From there we headed to a wonderful meal at ESPN Zone! We had never been to one and it reminded me of a grown-up Chuck E Cheese! But, we had our only brush with fame there. There was a lady playing air hockey with her little boy and she stepped back and ran into my 12 year old. Turned around and apologized and talked to him for a bit. I looked at my husband and said that%26#39;s Pamela Anderson! She was there with her boy and her very large bodyguard. Anyway, my 12 year had no idea who she was! I guess that%26#39;s a good thing for now! She caused quite a stir, as there were many people stopping to take pictures and she obliged. Anyway, we played games and ate lunch and I have to say, it was pretty good!
Wandered to the Empire State Building and took a peak inside. The lobby was smaller than I expected. We split off then. My boys wanted to head back down to Federal Hall because we had not gone inside the day before. I stayed back and just strolled down Fifth Avenue and took a wander into various shops. Quite an enjoyable afternoon!
We met back up and ate at Gray%26#39;s Papaya. It was very hurred inside and my boys didn%26#39;t think they were anything special. But, they liked the fact that it was quick because we were once again heading to Central Park to play ball!
We wandered through the park again and they spotted a raccoon. We have seen them many times, but they were beside themselves that they found one there! It was the only time the whole week that I heard a dog bark! All the dogs being walked down the street are so calm and well behaved! Well, it seems that all the other tourists that evening had never seen a raccoon in Central Park because there were probably 2 dozen people taking pictures of that silly animal. I took a picture of all the tourists taking pictures! We watched some games going on at the ballfields for a little while, and then found an area to spread out and throw the ball. We stayed as long as we could and headed back to the hotel to start packing our suitcases for our flight the next afternoon.
Family Trip Report - Day 5
Sounds like you%26#39;ve been having a really great time.
I love the image of you taking a photo of tourists taking photos of a raccoon.
Family Trip Report - Day 5
Maybe your boys have to be a bit older to appreciate Pamela Anderson but then she%26#39;ll be older too.
I have truly enjoyed reading your trip report, cmdmom. You really do sound like you and your family had a good, relaxed, enjoyable time. Good for you and your family! Hope you make it back some day.
Awesome! Spotting two wild animals in NYC in one day!
Thanks once again for the play-by-play! Too bad the trip has to end.
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