Friday, April 13, 2012

Need great Italian restaurant for girl's getaway weeekend

We are 4 women (late 40%26#39;s) going to NYC next month for 3 days.

Looking for an Italian restaurant for a Saturday evening. Great food and terrific, fun ambience, nothing too stuffy or too romantic since this is a group of friends!

Any suggestions for great Italian restaurants? We are NOT loooking for the Carmine type of restaurant (big binge Southern Italian). Looking more for Northern Italian.

Has any one been to Spiga, Scalini Fedeli.

Willing to splurge!

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Need great Italian restaurant for girl's getaway weeekend

How about Le Zie in Chelsea?

Need great Italian restaurant for girl's getaway weeekend

ssh QB!

My mom and I tried Osteria Al Doge on 44th a few weeks ago and it sounds like what you%26#39;re looking for. Not stuffy, lovely ambiance but not quiet. Fantastic food, IMO.

I also love Maria Pia. Can%26#39;t remember the street but it will be easy to look up.

Le Zie is on my list too.

Here are some of my favorites:

Osteria del Circo

120 W 55 betw 6/7 (I think it is owned by the same people as Le Cirque, but more casual and fun atmosphere; however, not cheap!)


145 W 53 6/7

Trattoria del Arte

900 Seventh betw 56/57

I also might suggest these two places in Little Italy:

...Il Cortile at 125 Mulberry St. and Angelo%26#39;s of Mulberry Street (great food, just older decor)...

Have fun!

Scalini Fedeli is more of a romantic place. There are lots of good recos here. Scarpetta is the new ';hot'; Italian. Lupa and Del Posto are Mario Batali restaurants (very popular). Spiga sounds great.

Thank you all for your wonderful replys.

We are looking for wonderful food, great ambience, nice but not stuffy atmopshere.

I have narrowed the restaurants down to the following choices. Please tell me what you think.

Osteria del Circo


Trattoria Dell Arte


Del Posto


Please give me your honest opinions.

Thank you so much!!!

My vote, been there 3 times Tratorria Del Arte!!!!!

I just have a bit of a follow up question. Do the places mentioned have good sized portions? I%26#39;m just wondering because I know alot of ';fancier'; places usually have smaller portions and more expensive prices. Just wondering what was the best ';bang for the buck.';

If you don%26#39;t mind going somewhere off the beaten path, you could head over to downtown Brooklyn to go to Queen, which has really great food.

Afterwards you can walk some of it off (and the portions will NOT leave you hungry) by strolling through Brooklyn Heights, and perhaps over to the lovely Promenade.

Trattoria del Arte is lovely, but if you%26#39;re looking for value, it%26#39;s a little overpriced, IMHO. You%26#39;re paying for the address (across form Carnegie Hall.)

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