Arriving Friday. The absolute one thing I desire to do is ice skate in Central Park, I think the rink is now open. Although I had this on the agenda for Friday evening, I see there is a 50% chance of rain on Friday. But there%26#39;s always Sunday. Afterwards, I want some good, sweet hot chocolate. Forget Serendipity. I won%26#39;t wait that long. We got hot chocolate somewhere around Columbus Circle back in December, but honestly, i didn%26#39;t like it. It was bitter, not sweet and smooth tasting. Any suggestions?
Also, I%26#39;ve read on here that the Abercrombie store sometimes has live male models. Is that a common occurence?
Good Hot Chocolate-Not interested in Serendipity
For a quick commercial hot chocolate try....Starbucks. They had these little hot/melted chocolate shots that were delicious. Those things were great on those cold days... I%26#39;m sure its just a seasonal thing, maybe they%26#39;ll bring them back this year.
Good Hot Chocolate-Not interested in Serendipity
City Bakery is very popular: 鈥鈥ity_bakery.html
I%26#39;ve had the hot chocolate there twice. They sell it in smaller ';shot'; options which is nice if you just want a jolt of chocolate--it%26#39;s so rich that that is often enough.
Marie Belle in SoHo (never been, heard its good): 鈥鈥?/a>
Max Brenner, Chocolate by the Bald Man: This place is new and a huge hit. Right in Union Square. Expect a crowd. 鈥鈥?/a>
Finally, there%26#39;s a place on the Upper West Side, on Columbus or Amsterdam, that sells high-end chocolate and in the back sells shots of delicious hot chocolate. I wish I could remember the name--maybe someone else can help on this one.
Just got back from our trip. i posted a couple of questions a few weeks back so will give a mini trip report tomorrow when i am more awake.
Just to say that while we were there, we saw the Abercrombie model there every day we passed, (at least 3 out of the 5) and there is someone there to take your polaroid with the model. My daughter (17) had her photo taken and then i thought what the heck and had mine (49) done too. It%26#39;s already giving my friends a laugh!
My partner is a hot chocolate connesseuir and can%26#39;t stand Starbucks! She always has to ask them to put more chocolate in. (yes, she actually does this.) She never goes there unless she%26#39;s with a whole group and outvoted. Cosi - a regional chain that is a Starbucks competitor - is only slightly better.
AlexHalsey - my partner looovves the chocolate liquids (both hot and cold) at City Bakery. (To me, the cold version tastes like iced chocolate cupcake batter - which may sound very good to some.)
She also likes the hot chocolate at Starwich (various locations.)
The Black Hound in the East Village is also a favorite. (NOT the same as The Black Dog in Martha%26#39;s Vineyard). No seating.
Black Hound Bakery
170 2ND Ave
(212) 979-9505
I%26#39;m going to take her to Max Brenner%26#39;s for a special occassion.
For hot chocolate so rich it%26#39;s almost like chocolate pudding, there is La Maison du Chocolat at Rockefeller Plaza, downtown there is Jacques Torres.
The Viennese hot chocolate served at the Cafe Sabarsky in the Neue Gallerie (1048 Fifth Ave. at 86th St.) is DIVINE :-)
I%26#39;m with CockleCove on Cafe Sabarsky but haven%26#39;t tried all the others.
Without a doubt - Jacquest Torres. Its downtown on Hudson and King, which is a subway ride froom ice skating, but a straight shot downtown on the 1/9 to Houston Street.
They have regular hot chocolate, and spicier ';wicked'; hot chocolate. I have to force myself not to lick the inside of the cup!
Also great place to pick up overpriced chocolate holiday gifts. And, they have the best chocolate chip cookies ever.
A relative newcomer is Soda Shop downtown in Tribeca, 125 Chambers Street. They seem to be taking their egg creams and hot chocolate very seriously. If you are heading downtown, give it a try.
You have to get a hot chocolixir from Godiva. It%26#39;s pretty new. I had one for the first time a few days ago. It was soo good! ..If you have ever had Godiva chocolate you know what i%26#39;m talking about. While there I would grab one of the fresh dipped chocolate covered strawberries.
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