Sunday, April 22, 2012

Traffic Free Summer Streets

Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg and Department of Transportation (DOT) Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan today announced Summer Streets, a new City program that will temporarily open a 6.9 mile car-free route from the Brooklyn Bridge to 72nd Street. Featuring connections to Central Park and other open spaces, Summer Streets will give New Yorkers unprecedented access to the streets for exercise and exploration from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. on three consecutive Saturdays in August, the 9th, 16th and 23rd. Major cross-town streets will remain open for vehicles that need to cross the route.

Fitness, dance and yoga classes will be held at a central stage along the route, with additional exercise and health activities hosted by community groups at select cross streets. Event sponsors will also organize activities, and bike rental facilities will be available along the route, including at hotels. Rest areas will be stationed along the route for water and bike repair, and serve as meeting areas to link up with friends and family members.

Link to map:鈥ummer_streets_map.pdf

Traffic Free Summer Streets

FYI your first link goes to a page regarding mental health safety and initiatives.

As for the streets, my first reaction, what a PITA it would be to travel around on those weekends, at least for me - but I guess it%26#39;s a good idea for the majority of new yorkers.

Traffic Free Summer Streets

Reminder. This starts this coming weekend!鈥?/a>

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